38; not the end, for us (it actually is the end tho)

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A/N ;
right where we left off.

"leaving? what do you mean, leaving?" beomgyu asked, tilting his head while still looking up at the older.

"i mean that we are literally leaving. you heard your mother, she's coming back tomorrow to get you back, which means we need to leave as soon as possible." soobin grabbed the younger's hand and made his way to the bedroom, the other being dragged along.

"what- we can't just leave like that! what will we do? live on the streets?!"

"maybe. we'll come back here, but we need to just go somewhere for now. i don't want them to take you there. or do you want to live in the castle?"

"no! i want to be with you, hyung." beomgyu didn't quite know what to do. ofcourse, he wanted to live with his boyfriend; finally free from that stupid castle. but can he really just leave like that? not saying anything, not even to his own brother who was always good to him?

but, everything will be so much better if he just leaves with soobin. it doesn't really matter where they go. they both have money, they'll figure it out. but then again, beomgyu's a prince. ofcourse people will look for him. is that really important, though? they can look for him, but can they find him?

"fine, okay. we're leaving," the younger confirmed, clenching his hands into fists. "but we'll still be a secret, okay? no one can know that i'm a prince and that we're dating."

"yes, i know." soobin nodded, reassuring beomgyu. "we'll be a secret."

OH MY GODDDDD. thank you! thank you so, so much for reading, voting and commenting on this story! this is my first ever published story on wattpad, so i know it wasn't that good.

it has officially come to an end, which is kind of sad, but that's okay! i had ALOT of fun writing this. the end is a little crappy haha, i hope you still liked it, though!

again, thank you SO MUCH for reading! it really means the world. i love you so, so, so muchhh 😩 you can take a look at my other stories if you want! i'll be writing a beomjun story as well. i have already posted the "teaser" i guess. i also have another soogyu story on here, which is very cringey, haha.

ilysm, bye bye!! <333

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