33; sleepover

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eventually, beomgyu and his parents came to a compromise. soobin will get to sleep over at the castle for a couple of nights, since the prince has no busy schedule.

currently, beomgyu is impatiently waiting for soobin to finally arrive at the castle. when he heard the big gates open, he smiled and jumped up. he just stood there, slightly jumping a bit. once soobin finally entered the castle, beomgyu smiled brightly and ran up to him, embracing him in a hug. soobin groaned with a smile on his face, hugging his boyfriend back.

"hey gyu," the tall boy said, still smiling.

"hyung! i missed you!"

"but we saw each other a couple of days ago," soobin chuckled out. the other boy just shrugged.

"come on, let's go to my room." beomgyu pulled away and gently grabbed onto the elder's arm, dragging him towards his room. but he got stoped by his father, right before he was about to walk up the stairs. "father?"

"you are not going to your room. you're staying in the livingroom, with seungmin."

"what? why..?" beomgyu asked. soobin also raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"you two are not staying in your bedroom, all alone."

"but why-"

"mr. choi, we're not going to do things, if you think that." soobin interrupted.

"mhmm. come on," beomgyu was about to walk up the stairs again, when his father harshly pulled him back and kept his grip on the boy's arm. soobin noticed and immediately pushed mr. choi's hand away, glaring at him.

"don't touch him," the tall boy said, before he pulled beomgyu with him, up to his room.

"sorry for my father, you know how he is.."

"it's fine, gyu. i'm sorry for not being able to protect you from him."

"hey! don't blame yourself for my father's actions," beomgyu said as he grabbed the elder's face and made him bend down a bit, connecting their lips.
"now, come cuddle me."

soobin smiled, showing off his dimples, and gladly tackled the younger boy on the bed, hugging onto him once again. beomgyu let out his loud laugh as they laid down.

the couple fell asleep, but woke up when mr. choi bursted through the door. "wake up, we're eating dinner," he said, glaring at soobin. beomgyu groaned and opened his eyes.

"mhm. we'll be downstairs."


"yes, father." beomgyu then shaked soobin, "hyung, wake up."

"mm.. i'm awake."

when the couple finally walked into the dining room, the rest of the choi family were already eating dinner.

"there they are," mrs. choi then said, sarcastically.

"what were you two doing, hmm?" mr. choi said, raising an eyebrow. beomgyu rolled his eyes. as if they'd do something like that.

"sleeping." mr. choi quirked an eyebrow at that. beomgyu sighed, "i swear, we were just sleeping, father." beomgyu then grabbed his boyfriend's arm and walked over to the table, sitting down next to each other.

"so how come you always just let him sneak out and go to your house? don't you ever tell him it's dangerous? don't you care about him?" mr. choi asked soobin, making the boy kind of uncomfortable.

"father, stop it!" beomgyu said, before soobin could even open his mouth.

"what? i'm just making sure he actually cares about you and isn't just with you, because you're a prince."

"as if you care!"
beomgyu then stood up from the table and grabbed soobin's hand, dragging his boyfriend with him. he walked to the livingroom and sighed. "i'm.. so sorry. i didn't know he'd act so 'protective,' he usually doesn't care."

"i know, gyu. you don't have to apologize for what your father does or says," he said as he brushed his fingers through the younger's hair. "you know that i'd never use you, right? i really do love you."

"i know, hyung. i love you too."

short chapter :/

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