11; stfu, mr. choi

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soobin stood besides beomgyu's bed, watching the boy eat his breakfast that soobin just brought. beomgyu looked up at him as he swallowed his food.

"you know, you don't have to stand there. you can sit down, hyung," beomgyu giggled out. soobin chuckled and nods.

the taller sat down on the bed next to the younger and looked at his face. beomgyu's facial features just suit him so well. the boy really is beautiful. his skin has a couple of tiny little flaws, but soobin loved his imperfections. without noticing, soobin subconsciously caressed beomgyu's cheek.

"hyung, what are you doing?" the younger asked.

"dunno. your cheek just looked so soft."

a slight blush appeared on beomgyu's cheeks.
"okay," the boy said softly, making soobin smile as he continued to touch beomgyu's soft cheeks. his hand then moved further up, going through the boy's black hair, softly stroking the strands of black.
"is my hair soft too?" beomgyu said with a chuckle.

i'm sure his lips are soft too- wait what am i even thinking?
soobin thought to himself. his own thoughts made him blush. why did he think that, though?

"beomgyu-ah, you have to start eating less," mr. choi said, making the boy frown. he promised soobin he wouldn't loose any weight and he does wants to keep that promise.

"but i don't want to, father."
beomgyu looked down as he said that, scared of making eye-contact with his dad. mr. choi can get pretty mad when someone talks back to him.

"of course you don't, that's why you're only gaining so much weight. look at your arms." he said, grabbing onto the boy's skinny arm.
"they're too fat."
mr. choi meant to say that in a mean way. he doesn't like it when someone talks back to him.

"no, they're not. soobin-hyung told me they're perfect." beomgyu said while still looking at the ground.

"soobin is just your guard. he doesn't know anything about this stuff. don't listen to him. you should listen to me, your own father, instead." mr. choi scoffed and walked away, leaving the now sad boy alone. beomgyu sighs and walks back to his room, standing infront of the mirror.

"they are fat, he was right,"
"i am fat."

thank you so, so, so, so, SO MUCH for getting this #1 for soogyu stories!! 🥺🥺

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