32; date, please?

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it was the next day. beomgyu just slept over at soobin's house, he couldn't care less about going home. soobin woke up, but surprisingly, no one was pounding on his door. he looked around and noticed his boyfriend, still sleeping next to him. the tall male smiled and was about to close his eyes again, but he then heard a knock on the door. his smile faded and he sighed, getting up. that's probably mr. choi. tsk, douchebag. if i could i'd atleast slap him.

but soobin was surprised when he opened the door and he only saw mrs. choi, smiling up at him. "oh, hello mrs. choi. you're here to pick up beomgyu, right?" soobin said.

"no. i came to visit you! you're basically my son-in-law now," she answered. "and after, i'll take beomgyu with me, yes."

"hyung? who's at the-" beomgyu stopped mid sentence when he saw his mom at the door. his eyes widened and he immediately went up to her. "i- sorry for sneaking out again, i was just-.. sorry!"

"i'll let it slide this time. it was to be expected. anyways, can i come inside?"

"oh, yeah. ofcourse, sorry," soobin said. he let mrs. choi in and led her to the couch. she has never been here before, so she looked around a bit. "do you uhm.. want anything?" soobin asked her.

"oh, no thank you."

"is father still mad at me?" the youngest boy asked, facing his mom. she sighed before speaking.

"yeah, a little bit. but don't worry about it. he'll come around.. at some point." beomgyu slowly nods. the two boys sit down on the smaller couch infront of mrs. choi. she then cleared her throat, ready to say something; "uhm, look, we should talk about your relationship. i can't force you two to break up, so i won't. but it'll be really difficult."

the two boys nod in response while listening carefully. beomgyu was so scared that his mother would talk them into breaking up.

"beomgyu is a prince, and you, soobin, you're a villager."


"what? i didn't say that soobin is any less than us, i'm just saying that he's a villager! it's just the truth. keeping you from seeing each other is crual, but sneaking out like this every time isn't-"

"so soobin get's to live with us in the castle?!"

"no..? i wanted to say that i don't want you to sneak out like this anymore, beomgyu."

"oh.. well, i'm sorry, but if i'm not allowed to go out you can expect me to do it behind your back. i'm sorry." soobin widened his eyes a bit, looking at the younger boy, who soon looked back at him. the taller then looked back at mrs. choi, clearing his throat.

"i'm sorry for letting him sneak out to see me every single time."

"it's okay. it's his own fault," the queen replied, making her son scoff and cross his arms.

"i wouldn't have to sneak out if you would just let me go out!"

"then you should ask."

"i do ask! ..sometimes."

"yeah, right. but, beomgyu, get dressed. we'll be leaving soon," mrs. choi then said. both of the boys frowned.

"oh, mother! i have one mroe question, though."

"what is it?" she said with a sigh.

"if soobin-hyung's okay with it.. will you let us go on a date? we've never been on one! - together atleast."when beomgyu said that, soobin blushed hard. he didn't think they'd ever be able to actually go out on a date. since beomgyu is the prince, he'll probably get recognized.

"i don't know.. it could be dangerous."

"dangerous?! pfft, how?" beomgyu said. soobin raised an eyebrow and looked at the younger.

"maybe reporters could come up to you and ask you stupid questions. wouldn't that be scary?" soobin then "asked" in a rather sarcastic tone. the younger boy mumbled something to himself, looking away from the taller. though, soobin was right. it was scary for beomgyu.

"i guess," was all beomgyu said to him.
"don't you want to go on a date, hyung?" he asked after a couple seconds of silence between the two boys and mrs. choi thinking out loud.

"i do, but i don't want to risk anything. i don't want those people to basically mob you.. again." he whispered the word "again," not wanting mrs. choi to hear it.

"you know what, beomgyu, you should get dressed first. we'll discuss this some other time," mrs. choi then said, earning the boy's attention.


"just get dressed, beomgyu." she said, sternly.

"a date? really? you think i'd let you go on a date?"
mr. choi said, looking down at his youngest son. beomgyu looked up from his feet and made eye contact with his father.

"yes..? he's my boyfriend, so ofcourse, i'd want to go on atleast one date! or just.. hang out somewhere."

"no is no, beomgyu."

the boy groaned and rolled his eyes. "you never let me do anything!" he yelled.

"it's for your own safety."

"if you don't let me do anything, then i'll do it behind your back. so, it's not that safe after all," he spat back as he rolled his eyes once again. mr. choi was about to yell at beomgyu again, but yeonjun walked up to them and interrupted his father.

"why can't you just let them go out and do something? they can just go with guards."
the blonde-haired boy said, looking at his father.

"yeonjun, just go to your room,"

so i also started another soogyu story on here called "little one." i also just updated it like a minute ago! check it out if you want :)

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