The Dream

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Sakura's *POV*



Sakura wake up!


I slowly opened my eyes and saw Kakashi shaking me, waking me up.

"We are here." He said, I seated up and went out the car. We all went in the house. Katsume was in Sakumo's shoulder sleeping. As I entered the house,

"Sakura, I've got to tell you something" I didnt know what he meant. I was thirsty.

"O-ok, I'll go drink some water"

"Kay' fine, I'll wait for you upstairs"Kakashi said.

I went to the kitchen. I looked for a cup, opened the fridge and poured some water on the cup. I looked at the clock, it was almost 9, it isnt that late. Well, I finished up my water and I placed the empty cup in the table. I exited the kitchen and went straight up. I saw Kakashi in the couch. I sat besides him and rested my head in his shoulder.

"Before you tell me anything, how's Naruto doing?"

"I haven't talked to him in days"

"I meant the dog"

"Oh, I left him in a pet hotel"

"Isnt it a little bit expensive"

"Well yeah, but, I couldnt leave him in any other place, you know.." I yawned, I guess it is that late.

Kakashi's *POV*

"Now, Sakura, what I was going to tell you was..." I just noticed she fell asleep again. Oh well, can't help it. I guess I'll tell you tomorrow. I smiled to myself. I kept on watching TV. I yawned. I guess I was getting tired too. Soon, everything was black.

I woke up. I was still in the couch and Sakura was still on me.

"Sakura" I shook her

"Sakuraa..." I shook her again


"Wake up, its morning"

"Mmm.." she seated up

"Im going to go make some breakfast okey? go to the room and change..."

"Mhm.." she nodded

Sakura's *POV*

He went down to make breakfast. I should do as he says. Ill go take a shower and change. I went to the room and locked it. I went to the bathroom, took off my clothes and took a shower. I finished dried my hair and put some clothes on. When I go down, all the breakfast is already in the table, Sakumo and Katsume where down too. Kakashi had his red scarf. I hadn't seen it in a long time.

"Good morning" i said.

"good morning" Said Sakumo and Katsume

"Good morning" said Kakashi

I sat down on the table and ate my breakfast. It was delicious.

"Kakashi, this is delicious" I said

"Thanks" he replied

We all finished the breakfast and Kakashi and I were taking the dishes to the kitchen. Now I remember Kakashi wanted to tell me something.

"Kakashi what is that you wanted to tell me last night?" I said as I placed the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Ill tell you in a sec" we finished cleaning up and we both sat on the couch upstairs.

"What is that you wanted to tell me"

"You talk while sleeping"

"Do I?"

"yes!" he laughed.

"Where is this going?"

"you said "my hero in the red scarf" while sleeping yesterday night in the car" I blushed. I-I didnt know I talked while sleeping.

"So you remembered it too." He said and smiled. This time I was surprised.

"Wait... you remembered it.. " he nodded. I began to cry. I didnt know he knew. He kissed me.

"How could I forget the most beautiful girl in the world?"

"thank you, you are certainly a hero for me. You gaved me love when no one did. you are truly my hero in the red scarf"


Thank you everyone who followed me untill here. this was a long and fun story. My first story after all. I'm most thankful to Megan16colgrave , Sabbe01 and @suzyy45 for all the support along my story. For those of you who liked this story, I'm planning on doing more Naruto themed.I would appreaciate a lot you commenting on what other Naruto couples would you like me doing a story on.

Goodbye to all of you, see you next time! :3

KakaSaku: The Hero in the Red ScarfWhere stories live. Discover now