Is Everything Alright?

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Kakashi's *POV*

"Just take care of Katsume, ok? I'll come visit" I smiled at him. After he huged me.

"Okay, son."

Some guys were waiting for me at the entrance. I guess they were there to get me back to Konoha. I guess this place must be really far from Konoha.

"Kakashi-sama, this way." One of the guys said. They took me to where the car was. I went in and seated down.

I looked out the window and dad was looking at me lightly waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

Sakurs's *POV*

My cellphone buzzes. I took it out of my pocket. It said: New message recieved. I unlocked the phone, It was a message from Kakasi.

Hey Sakura. I'm sorry if you got worried about me. I had some last minute family business out town to take care of. I'm now heading back to Konoha. Ill be there in about 3-4 hours.

Ok I see. Ill wait for him here I guess. Ill prepare some food, he must be hungry when he comes back. I smiled to myself.

Kakashi's *POV*

"Hey man look at this!" the guy next to the driver showed his cellphone the driver.

"Oh my god!!" The driver looked at the cellphone. I couldnt see what they were seeing but they started talking nonstop.

"I know right!"


"look at this other one"


"Thats what i said"

"Um shouldn't you be paying attention to the road?" I said but apparently either of them heard me.

"Oh my god look at this one"

"Ooh, my god, dont tell me he.."

"Yes! Can you believe it!?"

"noo!! thats so random"

I saw a bear in front of the car. The driver wasn't paying attention and the car was going pretty fast.

"WATCH OUT!" I screamed to the driver. He immediately looked to the front. "Oh my god!" Said the driver. He rapidly tried to avoid the bear. He maneuvered and went directly to the forest. The car was going really fast and it wad crashing everywhere.

The glass next to me broke and some pieces of glass stuck on my skin. The car kept on crashing until it finally stopped on a tree.The driver was covered in blood, he was dead. The other guys was like him too. I had glass all over me and one big piece of glass in my stomach, if I dont find a bandage to cover this wound soon, i'll bleed to death.

Sakura's *POV*

I was laying in my bed litsening to music when it stopped. Someone wad calling me. I see the phone, its Kakashi. I answered.

"Hey Kakashi, whats up?"

"S-Sakura, we crashed and the driver is dead. I have a big glass on my stomach. I-I need help or else I'll bleed to death" Kakashi said in a weak voice.

"Oh my god! oh my god what should I do!?" I dont know what should I do! Should I call the police? or an ambulance? god think!

"*pant* *cough*"

"Kakashi hold on! Ill call 911!"

I hanged up. I called 911 and said there has being an awful crash outside Konoha, in a near forest. As I hanged up I went running outside Konoha to where Kakashi said he was.

After about 30 minutes of running I see a path of destroyed trees and a bunch of leaves. I followed that path for about 3 minutes. I found the car and went directly to it. I wasnt surprised, Kakashi was there.

"Kakashi!" I helped him get out of the car. He had this huge wound with a big piece of glass in it.

"Hey, the ambulance will be right here in a couple of minutes."

"T-thank you" he sounded really weak. He was really weak, I noticed it was hard for him to breath. He seated down.

"Kakashi, Hang in there..." I started to cry

"Dont cry.." he said sad "Everything is going to be alright" he said weakly.

"No its not! this is not alright! You are not alright!" I was so mad. "You are just trying to act tough..."


Will the ambulance get there in time?

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