The Name of a Hero

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Kakashi's *POV*

When I was in my way to Sakura's house, I found something. It was a little dog in a box that said adopt me. I stopped walking and looked at the little dog. It was winter in Konoha and the poor puppy had cold.

I took my scarf off and took the dog, I placed the scarf on top of the dog and started walking again. When I arrived to Sakura's house I knocked the door.

"Come in!" I heard she said from the inside. I entered and went upstairs to her room. She was laying in her bed beautiful as always.

"Guess what I found on my way here?" I said smiling and showing her the dog.

"Oh my god! so cuute!" she said falling in love with the dog right away.

"I will keep him and I will take good care of him."

"Whats his name?" thats when I realize I hadn't named him yet

"N-name.. well he still doesn't have a name.. you should name him" i said smiling. We both kept thinking for a while.

"Oh I know! Naruto.. I mean, he saved me from those girls, he got you out pf the bathroom, he has been a hero lately, this dog should have the name of a hero, don't you think?" she said blinking on eye.

"Did you hear Naruto? thats your name!" He barked and licked me.

I placed Naruto in the floor and sat besides Sakura in her bed. I grabbed her hand. "Hey.. we told the principal what happened and he suspended the girls and Kiba for a couple of days..." she holded my hand.

"Oh, I see..."

There was a little silence after that. So I said "I copied all the classes so you should start copying them, I also paid extra attention, if you have any questions just ask them" I said smiling.

"T-thank you Kakashi" she said taking her notebook out. A couple of minutes after she started writing, Cherry Blossom petals (Sakura petals) flew in. They were beautiful. She looked beautiful with those Sakuras falling, and the wind in her hair... she is gorgeous.

Sakura's *POV*

That dog was so cute! I really like the name Naruto.. and Kakashi.. Kakashi was here too, always wishing the best for me, worrying about me, saving me.. he truly loves me.

"Hey, um, Kakashi... I really want to know what is behind that mask. Are you hiding something?"

"W-Well... I will show you my face but you must promise not to tell anyone I did, okay?"I was surprised. I remember asking him what was he hiding and he told me it was a secret. Maybe he feels more confident now...

He placed his finger at the edge of the mask and put them inside. He gently pushed the mask down and...



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