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Kakashi's *POV*

I didnt want to say this to Sakura but. Im starting to see blurry. I cant see well, and my belly hurts. was I.. fainting? I started to listen to a ambulance.

"Hang in there Kakashi!"she said. I could not even hear her well. The ambulance got near us and stopped. Some men jumped out from the back of the ambulance and came to me.

"Two dead, one seriously injured" Sakura said.

The medics started to touch me. They were talking with Sakura but i couldn't hear well. Next thing I remember I was in the ambulance. Sakura was sitting next to me crying.

"S-sakura, i'll b-be fine" I said weakly as I grabbed her hand. She held my hand tight and smiled. I closed my eyes.

When I woke up. I was in a hospital bed. There was no one with me. I sat on the bed. I my cellphone was just next to me so I took it and saw the hour. It was 1:30 am . God! Ive been sleeping for a lot of time.

Anyway, Im going to write a message to Sakura for her to read it in the morning.

Sakura's *POV*

The beautiful sunrise woke me up. I stood up and looked out the window, it was a beautiful sunrise. I turn around and take my phone. I received a message. It was Kakashi's! he woke up!

hey Sakura, I woke up at 1:30 am and you where not there. Its really late so why dont you come in the morning?

I blushed. I took a bath and had breakfast. I grabbed my jacket and took my bicycle. I went directly to the Konoha Hospital. I entered and ask a woman which was the room of Kakashi Hatake. She told me room 201.

199... 200... 201! here it is. I was in front of Kakashi's room. It was 8:12 in the morning. I opened the door and there he was. Laying  in the bed, looking outside the window.

I noticed he had bandages all over his stomach and arms. I walked towards him and hugged him tight. "Thank god you are okay." I lied him again in the bed and sat in a couch that was right in front of him.

Kakashi's *POV*

When I see Sakura entering that door, I was happy. Something inside me made me smile. Is this love? She hugged me and sat down in the couch.

"Kakashi, why don't you have your face covered?" I gasped and touched my nose.

"I don't!?" "I didn't know! I guess I didn't noticed when I woke up." she giggled.

" I don't know why you cover your face because you are so handsome without the mask" I blushed.

"Well thank you but I just cant show my face." "Why?" she asked me.

"Well as I told you before its a secret. A familiar secret." She got mad and looked away.

"Hehe, don't get mad!" I started looking around for my mask. I found it and put it on.

"hey, do you want to go eat some ice-cream with me when the docs let me go?" She smiled.


*Knock* *knock*

"Come in!"

someone opened the door. I guess it wasn't rare at all he was here.

"Hey there guys!" It was Naruto. He was with a girl, with dark blue/purplish hair. I wonder if they where dating... well. Thad be great

"Hey Naruto! how you doing?" I said. They both entered. Though, the girl was really shy. She kept her head down and did not say anything.

"Im doing great! she's Hinata I was walking with her.." walking with her... I see...

"I see... so.. you guys are going out?" Hinata blushed.

"N-no! Its n-not like that..."

Naruto's *POV*

"You know... actually, I was thinking.." after that I look at Hinata "you are beautiful, and I like people like you" I smiled at her.

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