Thank you

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Kakashi's *POV*

We where already in the infirmary with Sakura. Naruto was there too. I was just so happy.

"Hey Natuto...  T-Thank you again.. F-For everything" i gived him a smile.

"N-no problem!!" he gaved me a bigger smile.

Right there the nurse came to us.

"She will be alright. She just has some minor injuries that can be easily healed. But i recommend her not attending school for three days. She is currently sleeping so please, tell her that when she wakes up" she said smiling.

Naruto and I nodded. "Thank you" I said.

After half an hour or so, Sakura woke up. We explained what the nurse said to us.

"Three days huh... what would I do in three days."she said

"Ill go those three days and tell you whatvwe did in class and lend you my notebook"

"Who are you?" Sakura said pointing at Naruto.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki! I was the one who saved you from those girls"

"Thank you!" she said and huged him. "Thank you too Kakashi"

He smiled.

Sakura's *Pov*

I woke up and saw Kakashi and a blond guy I've never seen before. They told me what the nurse. God three days. -Previous dialog occurs-

"I-I should get going to class.. recess is over so.. Kakashi please take care of her. And you take care too!" Naruto said. He placed out his fist to Kakashi.

"You too, buddy" Kakashi fist bumped him. He left and we where the only ones in the nursery. Kakashi and me. He held my hand.

"This was all Ino's plan. I was locked in the bathroom. Someone must have locked me up so I can't help you when you were attacked by Ino. Naruto went and saved you and when he passed by the guys bathroom he heard me and opened the door." I was surprised of how evil Ino was.

"I-I guess I will go home now, you stay and copy the class for me to copy them later" I said.

"Okay" he stood up and walked away. He turned and said: "see you in your house"

Kakashi's *POV*

According to Naruto he still has a picture of Ino hurting Sakura. Ill go to the principal's office and tell him what happened.

I went to the class and copied everything. I paid extra attention to the lesson for me to explain it well to Sakura. When the class finished I asked Naruto to come with me to the principal's office. He agreed and we went.

We explained everything to the principal. He called out Ino and her friends. When they came the principal repeated all we said to her and asked.

"Did you do this?"

"No I didnt!" Ino said screaming

"This young man has evidence." Principal said

"Well let me see that so called evidence" Ino said.

Naruto pulled out his phone and searched for the picture. He found it and showed it to the principal.

"That looks like you and your friends, Ino" The principal said.

Ino didnt say a thing.

"Then, who locked me up in the bathroom?" I asked.

"Kiba" Ino said in a lower voice.

Ino, her friends and Kiba got expulsed for a week. Ino walked out angrily from the principals office. Naruto and I said thanks and walked out.

I went straight to Sakura's house and in the way I found something...

KakaSaku: The Hero in the Red ScarfWhere stories live. Discover now