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Kakashi's POV*

I saw her there sleeping, there, besides me. I couldn't sleep at all. She flipped over. I fliped over too.

I woke up and seated on the bed. She was still there besides me. This is not a dream. She is even cuter than last night.

I just went down to prepare break fast. I will make.. Uh.. Steamed rice, with miso soup.. And two Tamagoyakis (search the previous plate on google ;D)

I prepared the plates and when I was setting up the table Sakura came down.

Sakura's *POV*

I woke up, I turned my head to the other side of my bed. I guess Kakashi here was just a dream. I seated on my bed. I saw to the window, Its a beautiful sunrise.

I guess I will go down to drink some hot milk, and anything i'd find in the fridge. When I stood up, I saw Naruto (dog) sleeping in the corner. Wow, I guess Kakashi's visit wasn't a dream, I guess he should be...

I went down and saw him setting up the table.

"Oh, hey there, good morning Sleeping Beauty" I blushed

"G-good morning"

I seated down on the table while he got the table ready. when he got all on the table, I tastes the eggs (Tamagoyaki)

"Mm! This is delicious!" He smiled and we kept eating. I was washing the dishes when

"H-Hey Sakura, wheres Naruto?"

"I dont know, when i woke up he was sleeping in the corner" he went running up the stairs. I closed the water and dried my hands. He came back down

"He is not there!" I got worried. I started looking for him too.

"I must find him! Its cold outside! Kakashi ran outside the front door looking for Naruto. I took our jackets and his scarf and went running after him. I ran from the back door so I catched him soon.

I kept following for about and hour. He didn't even stop to get his jacket.

Kakashi was heading to the woods. I needed to follow him but we might get lost

"Hey Kakashi! It might be dangerous to go into the woods! We might get lost!" I screamed at him from behind.

"It doesnt matter! We will get back I know the way!" I didn't say anything I just kept running behind him hoping we find Naruto.

After about five minutes we entered the woods we heard some barking. We instantly knew it was Naruto.

Kakashi's *POV*

I hear this barking. I didn't knew where did it come from. Kakashi, focus. Its coming from the west! I started running again for 2 minutes when we heard another barking, it comes from the north. We started running to different directions because we heard a lot of barks.

After over an hour of search. There he was. I saw Naruto trying to catch a butterfly in a tree. We went running and Sakura took him and hugged him

"Dont scare us that way.. ever!" she said between tears.

Naruto was all happy. He was wagging his tail. I guess he didn't knew he was lost or that we were looking for him.

"Now we must get back"

"Okay but, which way?"

I looked around.. all i could see was trees. I got to much worried about Naruto and forgot the track. Jesus I'm an idiot!

"I-I dont know..."

"What!? but.. but.. you told me you knew the way back!" She said this time really worried.

"yes, I-I know what I said, but i got too worried about Naruto and i forgot to keep track"

Sakura's eyes filled with tears...

"Does that mean...we are.. lost?" she said in a lower voice

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