The face

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Sakura's *POV*

He pulled down his mask gently. I got to see his face. He is so hot! after that he smiled, I could actually see his teeth. H-He... I got no words to describe him.

He kept smiling at me. He opened his eyes. I couldn't stop myself from doing it. I had to. I leaned forward and kissed him. I had to feel his lips, maybe I won't be able to see his face in a while so I needed to take this chance.

It mas magic, that kiss, his lips... This feeling... I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. Either of us said anything. I sat back and faced down. He pulled his mask up and stood up.

"H-hey, we should clean Naruto, he is dirty." He said

"Y-yeah! we should also go buy food" I replied.

I try to stand up but my legs hurt because of the kicks.

"Sakura, are you okay? should I help you?" he asked worried.

"N-no! It's fine. I can stand by myself" i stood up and we took Naruto to the bathroom.

Kakashi's *POV*

This was my first time showing my face to someone. But when she kissed me.. No one has ever kissed me in my actual lips. She sat back, i guess she isnt comfortable.

*Previous dialog occurs*

We took Naruto to the bathroom and filled the bathtub half way. We placed him in and started rubbing shampoo on him. He was moving a lot so it was a little hard and funny.He was running around the bathtub and we were laughing a lot.

We finally finished washing Naruto and we dried him up. Sakura lied in her bed again and Naruto was besides her.

"Sakura I am going to go buy some dog food and toys okay?"

"I'll go with you!" She said

"No, you must rest said the nurse"

"Come on!!" she insisted

"No, you must stay and rest"

"Please!!" she insisted again. I walked to were she was and sat besides her.

"Look, i don't want you to go because i care about you, your safety is my priority and i wont let you leave this house, and its getting dark.."

"Okay..." she said sad "oky."

I left the house and walked to the nearest pet shop i found.

Sakura's *POV*

"So naruto its just you and me!" i smiled

He barked and wagged his tail. He got closer to me and laid right next to my leg. I guess he is tired and just wants some sleep. I saw the beautiful sunset outside my window I thought, he cares about me, he loves me, he even showed me his face that he hasn't shown to nobody. He is so sweet.

-Yawn- Im sleepy. I guess i will sleep a little. I hope Kakashi wakes me up when he arrives. I felt asleep soon.

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