Back To Reality

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Sakura's *POV*

I woke up today by the bright sunlight that came in through my window. I stood up and stretched. I thought that today I would be able to see Kakashi in highschool. A long time I dont do that. I laughed to myself.

I took a bath, dried my hair, and had breakfast. After I took my things and went out. It was 7:45 a littke late, but I think I'll make it.

As I walk in the classroom I saw Kakashi looking outside the window. I silently walked and stood behind him. I covered his eyes with my hands.

"S-Sakura?" he said laughing

"Haha, yep" I said while uncovering his eyes and sitting next to him.

It was still 7:55. our class started at 8:30, so as we got prepared for class, we spent a lot of time talking.

Ino's *POV*

"Ugh, girls, I hate seeing those two laughing!" I said to the girls

"Hey, Ino, chill... those that really bother you?"


"why?? are you mad that they are together? are you jealous?"I blushed. Thats when I noticed I was indeed jealous...

"No!! Idiot!"

"okay, okay.. then let them be..." I turned my head to the side, mad. I was seeing them, laugh, having a good time. Thats when I thought of an idea. I will bring Sakura Haruno down!

Kakashi's *POV*

The bell rang. Everyone seated down and got out their history book. Our sensei entered the class a few minutes later.

"Kakashi and Sakura, you are both present today.. thats odd.."

"Y-yeah. You think so?" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah, well lets start the class..."

We had a long class about Konoha former presidents. It was a boring class. I didnt pay attention to what Taiga-Sensei was talking about, I was looking outside the window for the whole class.

After the class was over I took Sakura to eat ice-cream. We had a good time and we both returned to our houses. It was a beautiful starry night. As I walked to my house, I kept looking and the stars. I saw a shooting star. It was beautiful. It reminded my of her.

I reached my house, had dinner and layed in my bed. I couldnt even sleep just thinking about her. I smiled to myself. I love her.

KakaSaku: The Hero in the Red ScarfWhere stories live. Discover now