Second New Guy

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Kakashi's *POV*

why would Ino tell that to Sakura? Is she jealous? I noticed Sakura's steps approaching me.

"Hey, Sakura. did someone tell you we are going to have a new student in our class"

"really? cool. Is it a guy or a girl?"

"I don't really know. But, if it is a boy, don't fall in love with him, ok?" I winked at her. She blushed.

"Hehe, like I would." She said.

After that, we went to the foodcourt. She got her food, we seated down in a free table that was near and she ate the food. After, we went to our classes, supposedly today the new student is coming. We went to the classroom and seated down.

There was a lot of whispering. The sensei came in and everyone seated straight and made silence.

"Hello students. As many know, a new student is coming in today. Please come in" A tall guy with black hair came in. He had this spiky hair.

"Hello, my name is Sasuke Uchiha."

"Okay Sasuke, you will sit next to Kakashi, Kakashi please raise your hand" I raised my hand, he came and seated next to me. The class started. It was pretty boring.

"does this class is always this boring" Sasuke whispered to me.

"Yes, yes it is" i whispered back. When the school finished. We were with Sasuke. Then Ino came.

"Hello, my name is Ino, nice to meet you" she said to Sasuke.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too"

"Im going to do a party at my house tonight. Sasuke you are invited"

"Nah, I just moved here. I got to do some stuff."

"Really?? then ill do the party another day"

"Okay, fine to me."

I saw Sakura in the distance leaving. I went to where she was.

"Hey, Sakura"

"Hello, Kakashi"

"What are you going to do in the afternoon"


"Do you want to go somewhere nice?"

"what do you mean somewhere nice?"

"do you trust me?"


"Okay, come on" I grabbed her hand and started running.

"W-wait! where are you taking me?"

"You'll see!"

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