Unexpected visitor

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Sakura's *POV*

I woke up and sat on my bed. I took my phone and checked what time was it, 7:48 pm. Its about time Kakashi should be back...

*Knock* *Knock*

oh! I guess that should be him. I went to the door to answer.

"Hey Kak-" I noticed it wasnt Kakashi, It was Naruto.

"Hello" he said with a big smile

"w-what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to visit, i wanted to know how were you doing with the wounds." He smiled again.

"Come in please!"

We entered the house and went to sit at the table. I went to the kitchen to get some hot milk for both of us.

"Nice house you got!" he said.

"Yeah, thanks!"

"where are your parents?" he asked. I looked down sad.

"Well, they died when I was six..." I said in a lower voice

"I-Im sorry! I-I didnt mean to-"

"dont worry... where are your parents?"

"they died when i was born. My uncle took care of me since i was born. How about you?"

"Well my grandma took care of me until I was 16. after that i started living alone..."

"I see..."

Naruto's *POV*

I am so glad she is fine. We kept talking for about 5 minutes when I hear all this barking.

"Whats all that noise upstairs?" I asked

"Oh i forgot! i havn't presented him to you yet!"

A little white dog rushed down the stairs and came to me. I grabbed him and put it in my lap. And started licking my hand.

"Hehe, whats his name?"

She started smiling "whats your name?" I gaved it a little of thought and i noticed.

"Dont tell me!!"

"Yup thats exactly what you think! Naruto, please meet Naruto" the dig barked. He is so cute!

*knock* *knock*

"Ill go! You stay seated Sakura"

I went to open the door. It was Kakashi.

"Oh hey Kakashi!!"

"hey Naruto! what are you doing here?" he said smiling

"Ya know.. dropping by, seeing how was Sakura doing.."

"I see.. i brought Naruto some food and toys"

"Reaally!!? where are the toys!!??"

"the dog.. NaruTo the dog" kakashi said

"Hahaha! I know I was just joking!"

Kakashi's *POV*

I was glad Naruto had dropped by. At least I know Sakura wasn't alone. We gave Naruto, the dog, food and he started playing with his toys. soon..

"Hey guys.. its too late.. my uncle should be worried about me, i should get going."

"Bye Naruto take care" said Sakura

"Goodnight" i said as I waved

he walked away and Sakura and I were picking up a little. The table soon was clean. Everything was clean, we went upstairs.

I left Sakura in her bed seated.

"Sakura, Ill be going now okay?" i turned around and started walking away. She took my hand.

"Please, stay." She said in a low voice." The bed is big enough for both of us"

"O-okay" i said.

I lied in the bed next to Sakura. She was sleeping. So cute and so beautiful. I wish i could have this sight always.

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