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Kakashi's *POV*

Sakura was seated facing down. Naruto was besides her. The fire was running low. I noticed Sakura was still cold so I stood up and sat next to her. I hugged her.

"Everything is going to be alright" she didn't say anything. She lied on my lap.I guess she felt asleep. well, I felt asleep too.

When i woke up, there was almost no snow falling. Sakura was still sleeping; I took her and went back to the village. I left her in her bed, and returned to my house.

Sakura's *POV*

I woke up. I thought I was in still in the cave with Kakashi, but I was in my house. I guess the snow stopped and Kakashi brought me here. That means Kakashi must be here. 

I went to the kitchen, he wasn't there. "Kakashi?" nothing answered. "Are you here?" nothing answered. I guess he went to his house, because I don't see Naruto anywhere either.

God I'm hungry. Ill go see what can I found in the fridge. When I opened to the fridge there was a couple of instant ramen cups, some fruits, milk, water, and a couple of eggs. I guess I'll make some instant ramen... 

I place the ramen in the microwave. When I finished eating it was about 8 pm so I went upstairs and lied in my bed. I guess i would have to go to school tomorrow. Ill see Kakashi there.

Kakashi's *POV*

While I was walking to my house someone took my arm. I tried to look back and the guy covered my mouth and pulled me into an alley. He covered my eyes, pulled my mask down covered my mouth. He tied up my hands at my back and shoved me into a truck.

God who are this guys!? What do they want from me!? Could they be... No! that was long time ago! He wouldn't go that far. I must get out of this truck! I don't wanna use it. But they are forcing me to. 


-Kakashi's Mother-

Kakashi. You must never use this. just use it if it is really important. for someone you care. -Kakashi and his mother begin to cry.

"y-yes mom" -Kakashi's mother hugged him. 

"Now run! run away! run as fast as you can!"

"okay.." Kakashi said between tears. He began to ran. When he was already far away. he looked back and saw his mom be shot to death.  He burst into tears. but he kept running away.

~Flashback ends~


I could now see through whatever was covering my face. 1... 2... 3! There were 3 guys with me in the truck. With my taijutsu skills I will bring them down!

I stood up and started kicking the guys. I got them all. I got really tired. I managed to untie my hands. I took off the pieces of fabric I had in my eyes and mouth.  I opened the truck and jumped outside. There where like 20 other people outside.


They got me. They beat me up and I lost consciousness.


Another quick Shoutout to @suzyy45 that has also shown a lot of support in my stories. And that actually has given me some ideas for this fanfic.

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