My Answer

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Sakura's *POV*

Oh my god! I-I didnt know what to say. This was my first confession! What should I say! He has being so kind to me as no one has ever. I-I love him too but, I'm not ready to have a boy friend.

"I-I love you too K-Kakashi Hatake"
I said blushing. It was my first time I said "I love you" to someone.

Kakashi's *POV*

I was so happy! she said yes! my heart was racing. I, for the first time, felt loved.

I huged her, I huged her strong. And said: "Thank you". I noticed I had a tear in my cheek. I was crying. I dont know why but i was crying. I guess it was happiness. "I love you"I said again.

I kept hunging her. I noticed she was crying too. "I love you too" she also said again. I stoped huging her.

" Would you be my girlfriend?" She gasped and cried more.

"I-I... I'm not ready to have a boyfriend" she said facing down.

"I will wait" she looked up. "I will wait untill you are ready. My love for you will never go away." more tears came out of her eyes.

She jumped on my arms and huged me. I got her in my arms and stared at her right in her eyes. "I will wait but, meanwhile," I kissed her.

Sakura's *POV*

I couldn't do anything but cry. His hug felt so warm. First time in a while someone hugs me. All the nice things he said to me. I couldn't help but cry.

"Be my girlfriend" As I said im not ready to have a boyfriend. "I'll wait" Those words. Those words showed to me he really loved me. I huged him. I was happy. "Ill wait but in the meanwhile" he kissed me.

I-I didnt know what to do! oh my god! This was the first time someone ever kissed me. I closed my eyes. And let him kiss me.

It was beautiful. He made me feel feelings I've never felt before. But that kiss, that warm kiss, I was not in the Earth anymore. Even though he kissed me with his mask, I still felt his lips. -We stoped kissing- We started at each other. 

"I will wait" He whispered in my ear.

He turned around and walked away. I was muted. I looked down. I started crying again. This time i really didnt know why was I crying. I turned around and walked home.

Next time: I will wait.

KakaSaku: The Hero in the Red ScarfWhere stories live. Discover now