Forgive me

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Kakashi's *POV*

He got closer. I didnt say anything. I heard some keys. Was he letting me go? He got out the chains and I was free.

"You know... Kakashi..." I turned to him he was facing down.

"I miss her... I really do..." My father started crying. I have never seen an old man cry. I stepped closer to him and huged him.

"Im not a bad person! Im not a bad person!!" He said between tears. "No.. you are not a bad person..." "dad.."

He wiped his tears. "Sorry, Kakashi. Please forgive me son" After all he has done I didnt want to forgive him. But theres something I know. He is as hurt as I am. He needed someone.

"Dont worry.. I know it wasnt your fault. You are not a bad man" I hope all I said might change him. I just started walking to the entrance, I wanted to go see Sakura, she is probably worried about me.

"K-Kakashi, one thing before you go, you have a little sister.."- I turned around surprised - " She is upstairs, she has 8 and she doesn't know about you. Do you wanna meet her?"

"yes" I said.

Sakura's *POV*

You know what, Im probably just being paranoic about him. Maybe he is with his mother out town or something. But why wont he take the phone? ... well maybe he just has his phone off or something. Ill wait for him to answer my messages or give me a call or something.

But, why would he leave Naruto alone? I mean, he could have brought him here and I would have taken good care of him. Or maybe he did. When I was at school he came and left Naruto in the entrance. But I guess he would have left a note or something.

Oh, man.. this is too much thinking.

"Naruto, lets go in, Im tired. Ill get some sleep." Naruto barked. We entered and I went straight to my room to get some sleep.

Kakashi's *POV*

He walked me upstairs to my sister's room. My father looked at me. He opened the door. my sister looked back and smiled.

"Daddy!" he came running and jumped on dad's arms. She looks at me as she goes down.

"Daddy, who is he?"

"darling, thats your brother!" she gave me such a smile.

"Really!? I have a big brother!? I didnt know!!" She hugged me really hard.


"Hi! my name is katsume! Come and play with me big bro!" She held my hand and pulled me to the room. She was so cute. Little, with silver hair like me.

"Katsume, I really wish I could stay with you forever. I have someone else in my life, the person I love. You'll get it when youre older" i smiled at her. She looked down

"Okay.." she said in a low voice. I walked to where dad was. And whispered "you are not a bad person dad. I forgive you."


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