Somewhere Nice

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Sakura's *POV*

We were running for about 5 minutes. I wonder where is he taking me..He stops.

"Sakura, we are near the place. Can you please close your eyes?" is this a joke? Uh...

"Okay" I closed my eyes. He carried me in his arms and atarted running again.

A couple of minutes later he stopped and got me down.

"Open your eyes..." I slowly open my eyes.

"Oh my god..." It was a beautiful Sakura tree Forest. The ground was full off Sakura petals.

"Do you like it?" he said and smiled at me.

"Yeah I do! its beautiful"

"Lay down.."


"Lay down! You''ll see!"

I did what he said and laid down. The ground was so soft. Sakura petals where flying all over. It was beautiful.

"I used to come here when I was sad. I used to see the sky and think I was flying."

"This is truly beautiful kakashi..." He turned over and looked at me.

"I love you, I love you so much Sakura" I blushed.

"I love you too..."

"Hehe, funny, you look cute when you blush" this time I got a little bit mad.

"Shut up" he laughed. I need to tell him this. And I will. Today is the day. - I seated down - Today is the day Ill tell him.



Sorry it took me a little bit long. Next chapter will come very soon!

if any of your friends like naruto or fanfics about it, tell them about my story, ill appreciate it alot <3

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