No More Suffering

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Kakashi's *POV*

"you like... people... p-people like me..."She started to blush.

"Y-yeah!!" she blushed even harder. Sakura and I started to laugh quietly.

"So, Kakashi, are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah! this is nothing!" I replied.

"You've been missing some days at school, are you going tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course!"

"nice so," Naruto looks at Hinata "Should we leave?"

"Y-yeah..." Hinata said

"Ok! Bye guys!" He said walking out and waving us.

"B-bye" Hinata said shily.

"Bye" Sakura and I said. They went out and closed the door.

Narrator's *POV*

After Naruto and Hinata left, Sakura and Kakashi kept talking for a while. It was soon 1:17 pm and Sakura and Kakashi where hungry. I while after that Sakura went out to by some Ramen.

She came back about thirty minutes later with some Ramen. They started eating up the ramen. Aftet they finished and Sakura had thrown away all the trash, they started watching TV.

About 3 hours later, a nurse entered the room. Took a blood test and told Kakashi he may go. After that he and Sakura went to Kakashi's house.

Sakura's *POV*

We arrived to Kakashi's House at 7pm. It was a little dusty since he had being away for a little. He turned the lights on.

"Sorry for the dust." he said.

"Dont worry" I replied. He kept on cleaning a little bit.

"Will you be okay, like, do you have enough food and water?"

"Of course! Dont worry about me, I'm okay."

"Well, okey, I'll see you tomorrow at school" he smiled at me, came closer to me and hugged me. After a few seconds he kissed me in the forehead.

"Sleep well, Sakura"He whispered.

"You too" I replied whispering

I left the house and started walking back to my house. It was a beautiful starry night. I kept walking seeing the stars above me. I saw a Shooting Star. It was beautiful. Just like him. I smiled to myself.


Thank you so much for the 100 votes <3

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