Beach Day

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Kakashi's *POV*

Ok, we all had Pancakes and eggs today for breakfast. We were all ready. And of course, Katsume was all hyped about it, running around looking for beach toys. Sakura came into the room, she was so beautiful. No, she wasn't beautiful, she was gorgeous.

"Are you ready?" I told her as I smiled and grabes her hand.

"Yes" she said and smiled.

Dad walked across us going out. Katsume followed him running. We then walked behind them to the car, got in and the trip started.

A while after, Sakura was a little tired and rested her head on my shoulder.

Sakura's *POV*

I was starting to get tired, will this turn out alright? The last time I went I was like 5 years old. I don't remember a lot of the trip but I remember something, I made a sand castle. Not to good, but it was good for a 5 year old girl.

After almost an hour, we all arrived to the beach. We got out and saw all this people having fun with their kids and stuff.

"We are here..." Kakashi said blocking the sun with his hands. At that same time, Katsume ran across us running and screaming. Sakumo, walked calm;y across us following Katsume.

"You guys find a good spot kay'?"

"well thats a good spot" Kakashi said and pointed to some palm trees that made a big shadow. Sakumo looked to were Kakashi pointed.

"Fine by me, i'll be right there, I'll look for Katsume" we both nodded and he walked away.

"So, lets go"I said. He smiled and nodded. We walked to the shadow and placed towels on the sand. We both seated on the towels and stayed there  for a while.

"I think I'm gonna go into the water.. want to join me?" I said as I took off my clothes.

"Sure" he said.

He stood up and took his top off. He is so hot, I blushed and looked away. I stood up and walked to the water. I placed my foot on the water. It wasnt cold, it was really good. I went in and Kakashi followed me.

"Its nice right?" he said as he went in. I smiled and nodded.

"Ill get in first!" He ran across me and dove in. I tried not to get my hair wet by covering it with my hands. After a couple of seconds, something took my legs and pulled me into the water.

"Woah!-" I screamed and went into the water. That thing that it was obviously Kakashi, let me go and I swum up for air. Just when I got to breathe, Kakashi came up too and shook off his head.

"Wasn't it fun?" He said teasing me. I gave him the look.

"Okay, I guess not" he said and laughed. I splashed some water on his face.

"Haha, now who's laughing" I said and laughed.

We stayed there in the water for about an hour. It was nice and It was almost time to have lunch, so we went out of the water and went to where Sakumo was seated there in the shadow.

"So what will we eat, dad?" Kakashi said drying his hair with a towel.

"I was thinking of some Sushi. We will go eat and come back, okay?" Sakumo said.

"Fine by me" Kakashi said and I nodded.

"Son, could you please call out Katsume..?"

"Sure." Kakashi turned around and calls out Katsume. He walks away. I sat down in my towel besides Sakumo.

"So, how are you doing? Kakashi coming back..."

"well, I feel good. I really missed my only son, and Im thankful he is ok."

"Thats good"  I said and smiled.

Kakashi came wih

th Katsume in his shoulder.

"Put me down! I wanna go make my Sand Castle!" Katsume said.

"She didnt wanted to come so.." Kakashi said smiling.

"Fine so, lets go." Sakumo stood up and I stood up next. We all started walking to the Susbi restaurant. Wasn't that far away.


Maybe this chapter was a little boring? okay. but for next chapter I got a cool Idea! :3

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