Smart Kakashi

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Kakashi's *POV*

"Kakashi please tell me we are not lost!" she said between tears. I rapidly huged her and whispered "everything is going to be alright"

she turned around and walked..

"What are we going to do?" She said worried

"We must walk and look for something. Its cold." Sakura threw me my jacket and my scarf. I put them on.

"Hey, we just need to follow our foot steps okey? its fine.." I placed out my hand for her to grab it.

"Okay" he grabbed my hand and we started walking in the direction our footsteps where. Soon it started snowing.

"Sakura, We must run, The snow will cover our footsteps"

Sakura's *POV*

"B-But Kakashi, my legs still hurt a little. I don't think ill catch up with you..." i said but I felt so bad. I'll be a burden to Kakashi now. He turned around and told me

"Hurry, jump in my back, ill grab Naruto and carry you." i walked to him and handed Naruto to him. After, jumped un his back.

"Ready? hold tight" i placed my arms around his neck. He started running. Really fast.

around ten minutes Kakashi started running. The snow had covered the footsteps. He stopped and put me down.

"W-what are we going to do now?" I was freezing cold. And hungry.

"I'm hungry, we need to make it to town"

"I know, Im hungry too" There was a little silence. I guess Kakashi was thinking of something.

Kakashi's *POV*

Sakura is cold and hungry. I must find some way to get out of here. We must not be that far from the village. I did a little bit of thought on that.

"Sakura! I got and idea!" i said.

"W-what idea!?" she said surprised

"I'm going to climb up that tree and see where is the village so we can go straight to it."

"Good idea! but how do you plan on climbing that huge tree!?" she asked

"Sakura.. I am a profesional climbing up trees. It wont be hard!"

Sakura's *POV*

He handed Naruto to me. He walked away from the tree a little. And then he ran to the tree and climbed it up!

I dont know how did he do that, but he did. I was amazed. Those are skills.

"I see the village!" he yelled at me from the top of the tree.

After, he carefully climbed down the tree.

"Its that way" he pointed southwest.

"Your amazing!" i wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Haha.. why don't we eat something when we get to the village. Ill pay" he said.

"yes, that'd be great" we walked started to walk back to the village. After a couple of minutes of walking the snow increased. it was a lot of snow, i couldn't see anything.

I tripped and fell.

"Sakura are you alright?" Kakashi said, trying to get me back up

"I-I think we should stop, atleast until the snow decreases" he loomed at me worried

"Alright, cool, lets find a place we could stay for a couple of hours."

We walked a little forward and found a little cave.

"Hey Sakura, I think that cave should do it" he said

We entered the cave and built a fire.


What will happen next?

A quick shoutout to Sabbe01 she has given a huge support in my story! Go and follow her and read her stories ❤️

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