I Will Wait

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Sakura's *POV*

I waked up, streched and rubbed my eyes. I saw the beautiful pink flowers in my bed table. I was so happy. Ever since Kakashi Hatake entered my life.. I have changed. I will hurry up and change. I can't wait to see him again.

I took a bathe, changed and brushed my hair. When I went down the stairs I got surprised when I saw what was in the table. It was a breakfast. Since my parents died that time, no one has ever left breakfast like this in my table. In the corner of the table there was a note that said:

" I know you dont have time to prepare breakfast. So I decided to surprise you with this


As I read it my heart was racing. I was truly happy. I seated down and ate my beautiful breakfast. When I finished, I got my stuff and rushed to school. I went down the stairs to the sidewalk. after a couple of minutes, someone covered my eyes with his/her hands. "Who is this?" I asked giggling. "Surprise!" He said as he uncovered my eyes.

" Kakashi!!" I said as I turned around and wrapped my arms around him. After a second I noticed we were in public, and people might see us.. this was an akward moment.

"uh-um... s-sorry..h-hi..." I said blushing hard as I stepped back. "H-Hi.." he smiled and laughed a little. We started walking together to school. "So, did you liked your surprise?" He said smiling.

"God, yes! thank you so much! but, when did you had time to prepare it?"

"Well.. I-I...." He said almost blushing. "Come on! when did you even wake up?"

"I-I did'nt sleep tonight" I gasped "Well, I couldnt... I was thinking of you... that kept me awake" I blushed hard. "around 4am I started preparing it, and around 5am I already had it set up at your home"

"And how exactly did you entered my house? I said confused

"Well you sure need to close your windows before going to sleep" He said laughing. "you idiot!" I said giggling as I pushed him away.

He placed his arm behind his neck and said: "you know, I was thinking of the conversation of yesterday.." He looked at me as he was walking. "I just want you to know that I will wait I will always wait until you are ready. I love you. And that will never change"

"Thank you Kakashi." I said looking down. We stopped walking "Thank you for everything you've done. You have changed me. You have done thing anyone has ever done to me. Im thankful for that" I started crying. He got closer to me. He grabbed my shoulders and said "Every person has the right to be loved"

I looked up. I had tears in my cheeks. "K-Kakashi..!" I huged him.

Narrator's *POV*

After a couple of seconds, Kakashi and Sakura started walking again. And this time they went straight to the school. They entered together and went to classes together.

Ino's *POV*

"Hey Kiba... I have the best plan ever!" I said with an evil face. "oh-oh! I like that face Ino... what do you got in mind? Kiba Said "Its a plan... that will make Sakura suffer, a lot! and guess what Kiba... Her dear hero won't be there to save her" I said giggling evily " I like your intentions Ino"

Next time: Plan executed.

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