The Decision

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Sakura's *POV*

We kept talking for a while. we laughed a lot. but it was already late and he told me he was already leaving. i walked him to the door.

"So... good bye. I'll see you tomorrow" I said as i smiled. after that he turned around and looked directly to my eyes. there was an awkward silence. I blushed.

"Okey. sleep well" He said, He turned around and he left walking through the hallway.

I closed the door and sited right there in the floor. My heartbeats were faster than usual and I was blushing. After that i just calmed down and went to my bed to read a book.

Kakashi's *POV*

I turned around and looked at her right at her eyes. As always, beautiful green eyes with gorgeous pink hair. I never get tired of seeing that perfect face with that perfect hair.

I just noticed she blushed. this was an awkward moment. i didn't know what to do. I am going to blush too! -turns around- I started blushing but she didn't saw me. i tried to act cool but I really do love her.

I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to confess, I'm going to confess my love to her with flowers. Pink flowers like her hair. Let's see... I need to find a Flower Shop quick. Oh! I see one over there... Y-Yamanaka's Flower Shop.

I crossed the street to the Yamanaka's Flower Shop and I got surprised to see who was there when I entered.



-there was an awkward silence for a while, I stepped in and looked around for pink flowers, before i noticed she was behind me-

"What are you looking for?"

"Pink flowers, they must be beautiful but not so expensive"

"Here, they are pink, beautiful and not that expensive"


"And, you are buying this to who?"

"To Sakura."

I paid and returned to my house. I put the flowers on a jar with water. and sat down to watch them. They were as beautiful as her.

Sakura's *POV*

I looked down from my window an saw him crossing the street. He was heading to the Yamanaka's Flower Shop. Why was he going there? Maybe he is going to buy flowers. But, to who?

I saw him leaving the store with flowers. A bunch of flowers. I couldn't tell the color because it was really dark but they were a lot of flowers. After that, he just walked away. Minutes later, it started to snow. Beautiful white snow, I don't know why but, it remind me of him.

Next time: Confessions

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