Good Idea

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Sakura's *POV*

Oh my god... well, this is awkward. Katsume's room wasn't what I thought.

"Haha, look at your face! Yeah, im 7 years old.. I don't really like barbies and stuff. But thats what I want dad and nii-san to think"  that was really weird.

"Why would you act?"

"Well, acting like that I get a lot of candy and Ice-cream every time just by making a sad face" That is actually intelligent.

"Oh, cool." She smiled and turned around.

"So, what do you like to do?" I asked.

"Well I like to ride my bike, watch TV and play in the computer"

"Heh heh , thats odd. But hey, if thats what you like"

"Do you wanna watch TV?" she asked.

"Sure" She turned on the TV. She put Peppa Pig.

"Well, I guess you are still 7 years old" I said jokingly and winked at her.

"I just said I don't like barbies" she replied. I laughed a little.

Kakashi's *POV*

"Hey, Kakashi. Do you remember what day is tomorrow?" Dad asked sadly.

"Of course I do.." I said in a low voice facing down.

Tomorrow is the death anniversary of my mom. I never forget it. I miss her so much. *sigh* I looked up and dad was crying.I walked to him.

"Im sure mom would have told you, crybaby, and laugh... she was such an cheerful woman"

"Yes, Indeed"He replied.

"I loved her, you know..."he said.

"I know you did, dad" I said.

"Changing topic, what shall we do? Sakura is here... we should do something."I said.

"We could go tomorrow to the woods to camp, its safe out there."

"I don't really know, Sakura doesn't likes it. Her parents died in the woods camping." I said sadly.

"I see... we could go to the beach..."he just said.

"Nice idea! That will sure make Sakura happy."I said.

"Then its settled"he replied. I nodded.

"Im going to tell Sakura" He smiled and nodded. I went to Katsume's room where I guess they were.

They were there. Sleeping. I guess they fell asleep watching tv. Sakura and Katsume look so cute sleeping. I turned the TV off and went out of the room. I went again to dad.

"They are both sleeping."

"Okey, that seems fine. Tell them when they wake up, ok?" I nodded and walked away.

I noticed something while walking in the hallway. It was my room. I entered it and it was the same as ever. I noticed a picture that was in the table, its a picture of my dad and me. It was such beautiful memories. I placed the picture where it was, I turned the TV and laid down.

(Time skip)

Sakura's *POV*

I woke up. Walked down the door and guess what. I tripped with one of Katsume's dolls that wad in the floor. Kakashi came a few seconds after I felled.

"Are you ok?" He said said jokingly

"Yes, im perfectly fine" I said sarcastically. He approached me and helped me get up.

"Hey guess what"he said.


"we are going to the beach tomorrow!"


"yes!" he said smiling.I jumped to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thats cool!"


Quick shoutout to Megan16colgrave she has shown a huge support on my story since the begining. Thank you to all people that still read the story. Love y'all!!

KakaSaku: The Hero in the Red ScarfWhere stories live. Discover now