No More Waiting

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Sakura's *POV*

"I don't want you to,wait anymore" I said straight.

"What do you mean?"

"You said to me that you will wait for me until im ready for us to be together"

"So.. that means" he started to smile. I smiled to and nodded.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"yes. Yes I do" I said as I blushed.

"Oh Sakura I love you so much!" He said and hugged me.

"I love you too!" The embrace lasted a long while. We let go of the embrace.

"W-what do we do now?" He said and laughed a little.

"I-I don't know" I said and I laughed too.

"You know something... I want to meet your sister." I said.

"Okay. Ill call them and tell we are coming over"

"Fine thats great"

Narrator's *POV*

Kakashi and Sakura left together. They both went to their houses and stayed there. The next day they went to school like any normal day. Every end of the day the kissed goodbye.

It was already weekend and Kakashi told Sakura they were going to Kakashi's dads place that day, someone was going to pick them up at 10:00am. They got ready, and they were waiting for the car to arrive.

When the car arrived, Sakura and Kakashi got on. It wasn't a long trip but it took them about 45 minutes to arrive to Kakashi's dad's mansion.
Sakura's *POV*

I got out of the car and Kakashi did as well. It was a huge house. It was also beautiful. I cant wait to see whats inside. We all went inside, it was way more beautiful.

"Kakashi nii-san!" I heard. This adorable cute little girl with silver hair rushes down the stairs and hugs Kakashi.

"I missed you!" she says

"Hello Katsume" He said. He got on his knees and hugged her.

"Who is this girl?" She asked looking at me.

"Well, she is my girlfriend, Sakura" he said. I smiled and waved.

"Hello my name is Katsume!" she said excited.

"My name is Sakura nice too meet you." She smiled. Kakashi stood up.

"Daiki-kun!" He said loudly. An old man came. I guess it was a butler or something.

"Yes, sir" He said

"Where is he?" Kakashi asked

"He is up stairs in his room" he replied.

"Thank you, Daiki"

"Hey, Katsume, why don't you go and play with your dolls?" Kakashi said

"okay!"she smiled and ran upstairs.

After we Kakashi and I walked upstairs. Kakashi walked me to his dad's room. he opened.

"Dad" Kakashi said.

"Kakashi" his dad said.

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