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Sakura's *POV*

So I'm going to school today.. I don't want to, but I have to. At least Ill see Kakashi there when I arrive. He is probably waiting for me right now, seated in his desk.

I ate breakfast and walked to school like any normal day. When I enter the classroom, Kakashi wasnt there. I searched for him, he wasn't in the classroom. Well I guess he is just late. I guess its my turn to wait for him. I smiled and sat down.

The first class was over, and Kakashi hadn't arrived yet. I wonder what has happened to him. I hope its not anything bad.

On lunch time I searched everywhere for him. He wasn't in school. I checked my phone and there wern't any texts or any calls. I started to get worried. Why wont he come?

Kakashi's *POV*

I opened my eyes. This is... -I looked around - ... my room..

I tried to get out of the bed but my hands were handcuffed to the bed.

"Hey! what the hell is going on!!" I yelled.

"Let me go!" I yelled again.

Two man came in. "You are awake.." said the man at left "We must call him"

Call who? god, it cant be him. After a couple of seconds my father entered.I didn't want to see his face. I just looked away. He was the responsable for mom's death. I just hate him. He came closer to me.

"Hello, Kakashi. Long time no see" I hated the sound his voice. I didn't answer. He laughed. He grabbed my jaw and slapped me.

"Do you even know what you have done!? Leaving my side was the worst that you could do"

"I dont want to talk to you"

"Too bad, you will." They took me somewhere, like a basement. They chained my hands and my feet. My father came in front of my.

"I will make you some questions, and you will answer them"

Sakura's *POV*

School was over. I packed my things and went outside. I still hoped Kakashi was there waiting for me but he wasn't. I called him. He didn't took it. I called a couple of times after that and sent a few texts but there weren't any answer.

I decided to go to his house. I wanted to know what was going on, why didn't he pick up the phone or answer my messages. When I get to his house I knocked the door. No one answered. I got tired of knocking. I peeked in through a window and there was no one.

I started walking down to my house. I don't understand. Where is he? What happened when he left me in my house. I really miss him. I hope he is okay.

Kakashi's *POV*

"Why did you left us!?" he slaps me. "Where the fuck were you!?" he slaps me "answer me!!" He slaps me again. I didnt answered

"tell me.. tell me everything."

"I was in Konoha" i had no choice but to tell him

"And what exactly where you doing there?" oh I know an answer.

"Getting away... from you! ever since mom died, you started drinking and gambling. I just couldnt stand you anymore!"

He didnt say anything~

"that awful smell of alcohol... you were always in your room counting money and drinking. My life wasn't the same!"

Sakura's *POV*

When I was going up the stairs I saw.. what it looked like.. Naruto (dog)! What was he doing here!? Naruto started barking a lot. I couldn't understand why, and i also couldn't understand another thing, why was he here and not in Kakashi's house?

If Naruto is here.. Where is Kakashi?...


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