Plan executed

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- Next day -

Ino and Kiba had their plan set up. They were taking classes in different classroom which made the plan easier. They were ready to start the plan. They just needed one thing for the plan to start.

Kakashi raised his hand and asked if he may go the bathroom. The teacher said yes.

Ino's *POV*

Okay. The plan has started. I must send the text to Kiba.

Kiba, Kakashi asked it and he is heading out. Ask now and you know what to do when you are out.

I sent the message to Kiba and no one noticed. I hope everything goes well, I don't want this plan to fail after all I've done.

Kiba's *POV*

There's the text. I'm going to make him pay for what he did to me.

I raised the hand and asked if I may go to the bathroom and of course, the teacher said yes.

I went out of the classroom and saw Kakashi heading to the bathroom. I hid and walked slowly behind him.

When he got to the bathroom I locked the door. This bathroom door can't be open from the inside if locked in the outside. I laughed, not too loud for he not to hear me. I took my time heading back to the classroom as if I had gone to the bathroom.

When I got to the classroom I sent a message to Ino.

All went as planed. Kakashi is locked inside of the bathroom. He doesnt have a phone so he wont call anyone. He will stay a long while there because it's almost recess. You will take the turn after that.

Kakashi's *POV*

I finished peeing and washed my hands. I saw myself in the mirror. "I think if I showed her my face it would make her more confident, right?" I said to myself. I dried my hands and went to open the door.

It was closed. I tried again and again, It didnt open. I knocked "HEY!! IM LOCKED INSIDE!!" I kept knocking and kept yelling, Nothing. I looked at my watch, it was almost recess time. Everybody will go down to the food court. God damn it! ill stay here for an hour. I wonder who did this to me.

Sakura's *POV*

It has been over 10 minutes after Kakashi left to the bathroom. I wonder what has happened to him. I took my phone, it was almost recess time. I will go check on him after the bell rings.

The bell rang and I started walking to where the bathrooms where. After that Ino and two of her friends stepped in my way.

"Ino what do you want!?"I said angry

"Where is your is your boyfriend forehead?" She and her friends started laughing

"He is not my boyfriend! And I don't know where he is!"

"Well that will give us a chance to hurt you right girls?" they started laughing again. And Ino pushed me. I fell and hit my head.  They started to kick me and step on me. I screamed, but Ino instantly covered my mouth.

Naruto's *POV*

Was that me or I just heard a girl screaming. I ran to where I heard the scream. I was surprised and at the same time horrified for what i was looking at. Three girls kicking another girl!? I took my cellphone out and took 2 pictures of it. After that I went closer to stop them.

"Hey girls stop!!" I screamed.

"And what will you do if we don't stop!?" Ino said.

I showed up my cellphone with the picture of them kicking Sakura. "I will show this to the principal"

"H-H-Hold on! Erase that!" She said angry.

"What will you do if I don't?" I said as i smiled.

"Erase it! Now!" she said screaming.

"Let her go, and I will erase it." I said this time seriously

"Ok! Ok! Erase it now while I see it" I erased it and she saw it. They ran away.

I went to help the girl in the floor. She was dirty and had scratches and wounds. She wasn't conscious. I needed to do something. I carried her in my arms to the infirmary.

As I passed the boys bathroom, someone screamed. He wad locked inside. I put the girl down and  opened the door. There was a guy with silver hair i've never met before.

Kakashi's *POV*

I heard steps coming and I screamed for help. I hope he or she listens to me and opens the door. The steps stopped in front of the door, and this blond guy opened. I was about to say thank you when I saw sakura all dirty and wounded laying on the floor.

"Oh my god Sakura!!" I went to where she was and saw her. She was in a bad state. She wasn't conscious.

"Hey do you know what happened to her?" I asked.

"Y-yes, a blond girl and two other girls where kicking her and stepping on her while she was lying on the floor" he responded.

I see so Ino did this. She locked me up in the bathroom so I couldn't save her from this.

I took her in my arms. And looked at the blond guy. "Whats your name?"

"N-Naruto"  he answered.

"Naruto we owe you so much. Now lets go to the infirmary together.

We both ran to the infirmary. In the way I looked down and Sakura opened her eyes a bit.

"Everything is going to be alright" I whispered while running. I faked a smile but my face still showed that something bad will happen.

Sakura's *POV*

I opened my eyes a bit and I saw it again. Kakashi was saving me again. Those sweet words everything will be alright made me feel a strange feeling. I had wounds all over. I hope ill be alright. I have Kakashi with me, I know I'll be fine.

Next time: Thank you


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