Chapter 10

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Elentiya's POV

I woke up in a white room. The bed I was lying on wasn't what I was used to while I stayed in Caraverre.

I groaned as I rolled to my side. My Aunt was lying on a similarly uncomfortable bed.

I blinked. What happened? Before a panicked thought entered my mind. Where is Lyria? Is she okay? Was she hurt? I started to push out of the bed when she appeared.

I let out a long sigh of relief at the sight of her unhindered steps.

"You were worried about me?" she demanded with a laugh. "You were the one who decided to take on Vincent by yourself." A chill ran through my body as she said his name. It brought back the memories of yesterday, which I quickly shook away. He wasn't right. He couldn't be right.

She looked at me curiously, and I gave her a tight-lipped smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

"So now I can't worry about my little sister's well-being?" I asked her teasingly. She didn't laugh. "Yeah, I was worried about you. You're my little sister, after all," I told her with another sigh.

"I'm only sixteen years younger than you," she stated. "That's hardly anything, well for fae standards." I gave her another half-hearted smile. "It's good to see that you're awake."

I weighed her words and her expression. "How long was I out?" I asked slowly, cautiously. 

She looked down at her hands as she answered. "Five days," she muttered. 

I stared at her. "I'm sorry... could you repeat that?"

"You heard me. Five days. Do you know how I felt! Five days! Cauldron! I don't know what rutting kind of magic you used, but it sure as hell wasn't what you normally have!" she shouted at me.

"What do you mean? I used-"

She interrupted me this time. "It was white! I don't know what it was, but it wasn't fire," she stated.

I groan to my right had me glancing at my Aunt.

"What is with all the shouting?" she groaned as she sat up. "How the rutting hell am I still alive?" she asked as she looked around.

"Rhoe got you in fast enough," Lyria replied. "As for the shouting, this dumbass used some weird kind of magic that knocked her out for five days," Lyria stated cooly.

I glared at her as I said, "I didn't mean to! It just happened! I didn't even know that it happened until you just told me it did! Plus! I don't need you to be an overbearing fae bitch!" I shouted at her. 

Lyria crossed her arms. "Well, I wouldn't have to be an 'overbearing fae bitch,'" she air-quoted. "If you had a little sense of self-sustainment!" she shouted back.

"Well, I would have a better sense of self-sustainment if I wasn't constantly afraid of him!" I yelled back. Soon the entire house woke up to hear our argument of but's and if's.

"OKAY!!! ENOUGH!!!" Auntie Lys shouted over us. We ignored her.

"NO! You're the 'arrogant bitch'" I told Lyria. "You think that I think I'm just helpless and claim to be able to do anything! Well, I know I can't! If I did, then why the hell am I so rutting afraid of the bastard!" I demanded. Tears were running down my face now. I pushed myself to my feet despite my shaky legs. I took a step away from her. "If you think that I'm so arrogant and selfish, then maybe I should just leave." My voice had dropped to barely above a whisper. "Maybe I should get out of your life," I hissed at her before darting out the door as fast as my wobbling legs would take me.

I didn't hear her call after me as I ran through the field before leaping into the air and shifting.

Lyria's POV

I tried catching up to Elentiya, but she was long gone, barely a shadow on the horizon. I had no chance of catching up to her now, not even pulling the winds in my favour would help.

The tears poured down my face. I turned towards a tree, punching it as hard as I could, over and over. The hot blood on my skin was a constant reminder that I had screwed up. Again. I eventually fell to my knees, my skin already stitching itself back together.

I covered my eyes as I kneeled. How could I have been so foolish?

"Idiot! You know how sensitive she is about this!" I berated myself.

A sudden hand on my shoulder had me spinning around.

"What's wrong?" Rhoe asked me. I dragged my hands through my hair as I thought about my answer to the question.

"Elentiya and I fought," I stated.

"Oh?" he questioned with raised brows. "You guys fight a lot, though. Why is this any different?" he asked.

I groaned as I looked away in frustration. "She flew away after I told her that she was arrogant," I replied. "And I only said that because we were fighting because she was worried about me! Do you grasp how stupid that is! She went after Vincent! Vincent of all people! Is she insane! And then she had the audicity to call me an overbearing fae bitch! Can you believe her! I mean honestly! Am I not allowed to care about her well being for one second! And now she's gone and it's all my fault... And she said she didn't want to be part of my life anymore!" My breathing was heavy after my rant, and tears were starting to pour down my face.

I looked up at Rhoe, who stood there watching me. "Better?" he asked me. 

"A little," I replied. I sat down on the grass. "I just don't know how to make it better," I said finally.

Rhoe sat down beside me. "Do you want my advice?" he asked. I nodded. "I think you need to let her cool down. Then you need to apologize for calling her an arrogant bitch," he stated.

"But what if she doesn't come back?" I asked quietly.

"She'll come back. Just give her some time and space," he told me. I nodded. He placed a hand on my shoulder. 

He stood up, turning to walk away as I called after him, "Thank you, cuz." He smiled and walked away, leaving me to sit in peace.


Okay... so I've decided to start including the ages and birthdays of people at the ends of chapters.

Elentiya (May 1), 34

Lyria (September 9), 19

Malatyr (March 20), 1

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