Chapter 21

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Elentiya's POV

I woke up the next day in Mal's room. I noticed that Emily was using Mal's chest as a pillow while they slept. I stretched before walking to a window. The sunlight streamed through it when I pulled the curtains back. The sun was approaching its peak in the sky, indicating that we had overslept breakfast. As I stared out the window, a sense of foreboding settled in my chest.

"You feel it, too," Maddy said as she stood beside me. I nodded, not uttering a word as I lingered at the window.

"I'm not sure what it means," I told her after a while.

Maddy glanced at me. "Should we wake them up?" she asked, glancing back at Emily and Mal.

I shook my head. "Let them sleep," I murmured. There was a pregnant silence as we stood there. "I-" I interrupted myself as I felt my magic snap up. "Wake them up. Now," I commanded, fear overpowering me. 

"That won't be necessary, darling," Vincent replied sickly-sweet.

I whipped around as I took in our changed surroundings.

Emily had wide eyes as Vincent held her tightly against his body, a knife to her throat. A portal, to Cauldron-knows-where, stood behind them. I could sense an immense amount of magic being stifled from my left. All eyes turned to Mal, his eyes glowing dangerously while he growled at Vincent.

"Let her go," he snarled darkly. Oh. OH! Dear, Cauldron! I started muttering every curse word I could think of in every language I knew as everything fell into place.

Vincent seemed unfazed by Mal's snarling. "Now, why would I do that?" he questioned with a sadistic smile.

"Because if you don't let her go-" Mal was interrupted by Vincent's dark laughter.

"You're in no position to make threats, little prince," he drawled. "After all, one slip of this knife and..." My stomach turned at the undiluted terror on Mal's face.

"Please," he whispered, his voice cracking on the word. "Let her go."

His smile grew. "No."

I looked between the two. I felt my stomach roil, there was only one option left. "Take me instead," I told him. "That's why you came."

"As tempting as that offer is, darling... I think that I'll stick with what I have," he replied as he backed towards the portal. 

A cry ripped from Mal's throat as his magic exploded and ice coated the entire room. 

"Let her go, and I'll let you leave," he snapped as a wall of ice and fire sprung up between them and the portal.

Vincent let out another menacing laugh. "I'll make you a better deal..." he sneered. "You let me leave, and she lives." Emily abruptly went limp even as her heart continued to beat. I felt a renewed wave of anger mixed with fear flare off of Mal. I could see the desire to keep Vincent trapped and the need to keep Emily safe battling behind his eyes.

"If I let you leave... will you promise to let her live?" he asked cautiously. A triumphant smirk spread across Vincent's features while worry bloomed in my chest.

"You have a deal," he replied. "Lower the shield."

Mal hesitated as he reeled his power back into him, letting the shield fall. This is too easy. I thought back to every time I had met Vincent. How often had he ever promised something? When had he ever kept the promises he did make? My eyes widened in realization.

"Mal! Don't!" I shouted at him. But I was too late. The shield was down. A flash of silver cut across Emily's throat, leaving a dark red streak as her heartbeat halted. He dropped her body to the ground as flames immediately consumed it, turning her to ashes. 

I hardly registered Mal's scream as I lunged towards Vincent, a second too late. I crashed into the wall where the portal that Vincent had just walked through had been. I swallowed a choked sob, turning back to Mal, who was deathly pale as he collapsed. I caught him just before he hit the floor.

Maddy was staring at what remained of Emily, tears streaking down her face. The door flung open to reveal my mother standing in the doorway.

"What happened?" she demanded. "I heard a scream," she stated. She took in the scene. Mal was still in my arms as I fell to my knees, crying silently. Maddy was frozen. "Where's Emily?" I shook my head, my body shaking as I cried. My mom's eyes trailed to the ashes on the floor, the stench of death and smoke already starting to fill the room. "Let's get him to the healer's wing."

It took all three of us and ten minutes to carry him to the healer's wing. When I returned to his room, I saw that someone had cleaned the entire area. I burst into tears all over again. He wouldn't even get to bury what had remained of her body.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Maddy standing behind me.

"I-I wanted to g-give him that much," I told her. She nodded, understanding exactly what I meant. "I hate this whole fucking world," I whispered to her. "She was such a bright light in all of our lives."

"Yeah..." she replied. "I-I don't blame you nor Mal. He tried so hard to save her. You both did. I-I don't think I would be brave enough to trade places with her, knowing what you went through." I nodded quietly.

"He's going to be heartbroken," I murmured. "He loved her so much. I don't think words can describe what he felt for her." She bit her lip as she nodded. "I hate him, Vincent, I mean. He's taken so much from me. First, my mother, then my childhood, followed by my innocence and now... he's gone too far taking Emily away from my brother. I'll kill him. I'll kill him, Maddy. I'll burn him alive slowly." A snarl quickly grew on my face as I felt my rage smouldering in my veins, ready to be released.

She looked at me, awe and fear written across her features, bringing me back to reality. I loosed a long exhale, closing my eyes as I did so. "Sorry," I muttered, not feeling very remorseful.

"He deserves far worse than anything I can do to him. I'll leave you to deal with him," she replied with a sadistic smirk.

I smirked back. "Good to know that I'll have you at my back," I told her.

"Just make sure you tell him that I'm going to Hell just so I can kill him again."


Elentiya (May 1), 52

Lyria (September 9), 38

Malatyr (March 20), 21

Emily (July 15), 20 at death.

And... I just killed one of my favourite characters... Damn, I'm evil... Anyway... I'm just going to stop tallying Emily's age cause, you know... she's dead... 

As an apology, I will be updating again today. So there's that? No? Sorry...

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