Chapter 44

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Emily's POV

Gunshots rang through the air with each pull of the trigger. I would have to fix how many decibels were produced by my weapon... if we got out of this alive. My ears rang as Elentiya used her bow to shot down as many of the fae in front of us as possible. Our magic was completely useless against their armour as we continued to try and fight our way to the exit. I could still feel the massive aching wound down Mal's chest as I continued to fire my gun. He'd bleed out soon if we didn't get out of here. I could already feel the despair setting in as we stared down the impossible odds. Maybe... maybe... we could hold on long enough for the others to find us.

A click came from my gun... but no shot. Elentiya and I shared a glance, both of us realizing that that was my last cartridge. I swallowed thickly as I pulled out my sword with unsteady hands. Close combat was not a good sign for our chances at holding them off for long. "Cover me?" I asked her shakily.

"Of course," she replied. Her voice was far more steady than mine. I cast her a brief look, seeing that her face was as pale as mine. No, she didn't believe that we would get out of this either. 

Still, I stepped forward, raising my sword and swinging it hard into the exposed stomach of one soldier. Their blood sprayed me in the face, causing me to cringe slightly before plunging the sword into the neck of the next soldier. By now, there was a rather large pile of bodies between us and the exit. But the faes kept coming. They poured over their fallen comrades, swords, and bows, and knives ready. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, keeping me fighting even as exhaustion threatened to make my knees buckle. If we could last long enough for the rest of our group to catch up with us, maybe... maybe we could make it through this.

"Elentiya," I breathed out as she stepped up beside me, her sword already drenched in blood. Her lips were tight as we fought back to back, striking down any who tried to get past us. 

"Elentiya," I repeated, once again plunging my sword into the stomach of another soldier. 

"What?" her voice was soft but in no way quiet.

I palmed a knife from my belt, slicing it across the throat of one soldier while my sword gutted another. "If this is it..." I hesitated. "I want to thank you... for being my friend, and for everything else." I missed the smile that ghosted across her face as I continued the fight.

"Thank you for everything, too," she replied.

I smiled just before a scream ripped through my throat. I could already feel the blood pouring out of the gaping wounds in my calves. The pain was a constant, throbbing thing that blocked out all noise and movement around me as my vision gained spots. It was the last thing I felt before unconsciousness swept through me.

Elentiya's POV

I whipped around at Emily's guttural scream. A shiver flew down my spine as I saw her collapse onto her knees, blood seeping down her calves. Red entered my vision as I whirled onto the soldier that had caused such harm to her. It was the kind of rage I had only ever felt once before... when my eyes had landed upon Mal hung up and beaten mere minutes ago. She was my sister, if only through the mating bond between her and my brother.

She looked triumphant as she held the sword over Emily, ready to plunge it into her vulnerable flesh. I snarled at her as I met her sword with my knife. Her eyes widened at my sword that I swung at her with all of my strength. I watched in satisfaction as her head came clean off of her shoulders. I turned on the rest of the army. They stared at me with fear as I stepped forward, my canines bared, daring them to face my fury. Daring them to face the wrath of a female who was backed against a wall, quite literally, and had too much to lose to concede a victory. 

I tilted my head sideways predatorily as my instincts continued to flood me. "Try me," I told them lowly, fire and ice in my soul. Many of them turned heel and fled... 

Right into the swords and arrows of Ladon, Luna, and Cal.

I let a smile crack onto my face as I saw them standing there. They were splattered with blood... but whole. Ladon took one look at my blood-drenched form and released a shuddering breath as if his life depended on my well-being. I forced myself to push through the pain for a little longer... Just until they were able to tear down the rest of the guards. My legs and arms shook violently as I continued to plunge my sword into soldiers.

Luna swung her sword one last time, beheading the last soldier. My sword already clanging to the ground loudly as I used the last of my strength to turn to Emily and Mal, already diving into whatever healing magic I possessed. 

I paused, looking between the two. "Help him," Emily gasped before gritting her teeth through the burning pain in her calves, deciding for me. I nodded as I saw his shallow breaths. He wasn't going to make it if I didn't close the massive gash running straight down his chest soon. I dropped to my knees in front of him, placing my hands on whatever skin I could find. As I forced every drop of my magic into healing, I felt another presence appear at my side. I spared a glance to see the healer that we had brought with us, helping him. 

"We need to get him somewhere more stable," Luna muttered as she gently placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, not trusting my voice as I truly stared at his broken body. Tears were already forming in my eyes. 

I tuned out of the rest of the world. This was my fault. I had caused him to get hurt so badly. I should've paid more attention to our surroundings. I should've found a way around his promise. I should'nt've made the promise in the first place. I- I- I- should've been a better sister. A sob tore through my throat. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me turn to look Emily in the eyes. "It's time to go," she whispered to me, a gentle smile on her face. I turned to see Connal and Cal carrying Mal through a portal that I could already see lead to the Castle. I glanced back to her, spotting Ladon and Luna walking back the way we had come. I gave her a questioning look. "They're going to bring the horses back through a different portal."


"Now, let's go." 

She helped pull me to her feet, causing me to glance at her calves, only to see no gaping wound. The healer must've fixed them so she could walk again. We followed my brother into the healer's wing. The healers were already treating him while he slept soundly. Their faces were grim as they worked. And when they finally finished, one of them, the head healer actually, walked up to me. "He-"

A piercing pain lanced through my body, making me scream while I gripped Emily's hand so tightly that my knuckles turned white. Emily flinched away from me slightly, cringing away from the noise, but I couldn't find myself able to care. I could only feel the pain in my leg that was- I hadn't broken my leg. So why- I glanced at Emily, my screams ceasing even as I still felt the burning sensation through my body.

It wasn't me that was close to death. It was Ladon. I felt my mouth become dry. I couldn't lose him. Not- not after everything. Luckily, I didn't have to wait long as Luna stumbled through the doorway, Ladon leaning heavily on her shoulder and pale as death.


Luna (August 9), 216

Elentiya & Cal (May 1), 201

Lyria (September 9), 186

Malatyr (March 20), 170

Emily (July 15), 169

Sam (February 27), 74

Connall (December 2), 72

Ladon (September 13), 20

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