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A/N: the epilogue is going to have a POV from Elentiya, Emily, and Mal. And takes place ~5 years later.

Elentiya's POV

Fear no longer held me in its iron grasp after I'd killed Vincent. Even though the nightmares still woke me in the early hours of the morning.

Currently, I was reading in the library, still smiling from my weekly date night with Ladon on Sundays.

"You're up early," I said as my husband walked in. "Especially, after last night." I winked at him as he sat down on the arm of my chair.

I leaned back and closed my eyes as he started dragging his fingers through my hair. He hummed contentedly. "Last night was rather fun, wasn't it?"

A pointed cough from the doorway revealed Cal who was scowling at us. "Just because you two are married doesn't mean I need to hear about your sex life."

I smirked. "But Ladon's so good in bed that I just have to share the details."

He gave me a disgusted look. "Unless you want me to share details about my private life with your brother, then kindly shut the fuck up."

I pressed my lips together. I had no interest in knowing anything about Connall's private life.

"So, are you free tonight?" he asked me after an uncomfortable amount of silence.

"You know it's our weekly dinner with Mal and Emily. So, no. We're not free."

He nodded solemnly. "Right. It's Monday. He stared at the floor.

"Okay. What's up?" I demanded, firmly shutting my book.

"Never mind. It's not important."

I rolled my eyes. "You want to propose to him, don't you?"


"Mal may have mentioned that he suspected that you were looking to propose to Connall on Saturday."

Ladon shot me a confused look. "When did you see him on Saturday?"

"He wanted to do some training together. And you know my schedule. I train on Wednesdays and Saturdays. But he had a date night on Wednesday so he came on Saturday instead." I shrugged, turning my gaze back to Cal. "So... was he right?"

He swallowed with a small nod. "But- what do I get him? A ring?"

I looked at him in amusement. "You're proposing. Obviously, you need to get him a ring. And I thought Ladon was the dumbass here."

Ladon immediately elbowed me in the side, earning a glare.

"Okay. Okay. But what if he says no?" I groaned.

"You'll be fine. He's stuck with you this far. He isn't going to ditch you now." He nodded, before understanding the hidden insult and scowling at me.

"You know people are starting to talk about you two," he replied instead.

I glanced at my mate, who merely shrugged. "What do you mean?" I asked, turning my attention back to Cal.

"Well... they think one of you is infertile because you don't have a kid yet. And you know... it's been five years since you married."

I rolled my eyes while Ladon chuckled softly. "We don't want kids." Cal's jaw dropped. "Ashleigh's in line for the throne after me. That's why she's here every Tuesday and Thursday." Ladon nodded. "I'm training her in politics and whatnot."

"Wait. Why is she after you and not Lyria?" I facepalmed.

"Do you know nothing about anyone in this family? They don't want kids, either! That makes it go me then Ashleigh."

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