Chapter 25

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Elentiya's POV

The kitchen was almost empty when I entered in the dead of night. Twelve resounding clangs from a nearby clock marked the 108th anniversary of Emily's death. Every year since, Mal had made himself scarce, often leaving the city and not returning for two, occasionally even three, days.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" my youngest brother, Connall, asked from where he was sitting. His silver hair gleamed in the candlelight while his pine-eyes seemed to hold a forest of swaying trees. He could easily pass as our father if he was several centuries older and had a tattoo on his face.

I flipped him off as I walked around the counter to grab a bottle of wine and a glass. 

He chuckled lowly as I sat down beside him. "Bit early for wine, isn't it?" he asked. I merely shrugged while pouring myself a glass. "Where's Mal? You two are never far apart," he stated, watching me with a guarded look.

I shrugged again as I kept my face neutral. I didn't want to think about what today signified. I didn't want to think about Emily. And I most certainly didn't want to think about her death. Hence, the bottle of wine at twelve in the morning. "You won't see him today. You probably won't see him for three days," I replied quietly as I kept my eyes focused solely on the glass in front of me.

He tilted his head in confusion at my statement. "Why not?" he asked, curiosity lining the edges of his voice. 

I bit my lip as I struggled to think of an appropriate answer to give him. "It's not my place to say..." I paused as I met his gaze. "Don't ask him about it either," I added after a moment of consideration. He nodded in acceptance, his eyes returning to the counter while mine lingered on him. "What are you doing up so late?" I asked after the silence became too much for me to stand.

"Just thinking," he answered flatly. 

I turned my seat so that I was fully facing him. "About what?" I prodded, not caring what topic we were talking about so long as it was not that. He remained silent. I may not be as perceptive as Mal, but the blush rising onto his cheeks was enough of an indication to tell me what he was thinking about. "A guy?" I asked with a knowing smirk. "Who? Do I know them?" My smirk grew even bigger as I asked, "Are they hot?" 

He shot me a glare, letting out a long sigh simultaneously. "Yeah, you know him," he muttered in defeat. I smiled, pushing my dreadful thoughts away as I waited for him to spill. "Yeah, he's really fucking hot..." Con breathed out as a smile spread across his face. "He has this smirk that drives me crazy. And he's constantly pestering me about everything. He'll insult my hair. Ask me if I'm really sure that I want to wear whatever outfit I'm wearing that day... And I want to tell him. But he's the hardest person to read in the entire fucking universe," he ranted. "Well, besides Mal," he added as a second thought.

My eyes were narrowed as I tried to sort out who the mystery guy was. I could only gape as a realization abruptly struck me. "Ohhhhhhhh..." I said in shock. "YOU LIKE CAL!"

"Say it louder. I don't think the Night Court heard you," he remarked sarcastically, making me snort. 

"What's so funny?" a voice said from behind us, making us both whirl around, to see Mal standing in the doorway.

Connall's POV 

I couldn't help the shock that rippled through me as I stared at him. I took in his pale form, sure he had never been tanned, but the difference was noticeable. His shoulders drooped as he walked towards us. His golden hair was short, never growing longer than an inch. I couldn't remember his eyes being anything more than dull and foggy Lapides. It was as if the years had worn him down one by one. 

I had never once considered my eldest brother to be fragile. He was actually muscular enough to rival our father in strength. However, when I watched him walk as if each step cost him a world of pain, I could only see a frail male in his place.

None of us said anything as he sat down on the other side of the counter. Even though I spotted a glint of worry in our sister's eyes.

"What are you two doing up?" Mal asked eventually after a long, awkward silence. He flicked his lapis blue eyes up before they settled on the counter.

A tear trickled down Elentiya's cheek. "Same as you," she whispered. He nodded silently. I was glancing from Elentiya to Malatyr and back again.

"What are you guys doing up?" I demanded.

Whatever had remained of Mal's composure abruptly collapsed as he started to cry, the only real emotion I'd seen from him. Ever. His shoulders shook in silent sobs as he let the tears break from behind a dam that could have only built after years and years of hurt. I could only stare with wide eyes as Elentiya strode around the counter, sliding into the seat beside Mal. She pulled him closer to her as she held him.

"Just let it all out," she mumbled to him.

It took ten minutes for Mal to regain any sort of equanimity. He wiped his eyes as he let out a long sigh. I, however, was shocked. I knew that my brother was sensitive. After thirty years, I had an extensive list of words that would trigger a reaction like this, going to great lengths to avoid using them in front of him. Elentiya was also extremely protective of my older brother, and vice versa. It was in your best interests to never upset either of them because of their protectiveness.

"I'm sorry," I muttered to both of them.

Elentiya closed her eyes as she let out a long breath. "It's not your fault... Just the day..." she mumbled the last part so that it was barely audible. 

Mal still hadn't uttered a word since entering the room. Not that it was strange to see him so quiet. According to Lyria, he had once been so full of life. He'd been sarcastic and had a quick temper, much like our mother's. He'd had a dry sense of humour and had loved his family wholeheartedly. I found most of this hard to believe from my frigid brother. What could ever cause someone to change so much?

"He likes you," Mal said unexpectedly. My head snapped up at the statement. "Cal, he's gay, you know. And he's had a crush on you for years," he elaborated.

Elentiya choked on her spit as I stared at him in shock. "He what?" she demanded.

Mal didn't answer as he stood up to leave. "You should talk to him..." He hesitated for a moment before walking out.

"He said that and left," I remarked flatly as I stared after him.

"And he's still a dramatic bitch," Elentiya muttered under her breath, making me laugh. She cracked a small smile at me, even as the pained look in her eyes remained.

"What was he like before I was born?" I asked her suddenly.

She glanced up at me. "You mean when he was happy?" she replied. I nodded. "I hardly remember him when he was happy. He was so different, and I don't blame him. The event that changed him impacted me a lot, too. But, Cauldron, was he stubborn. He smiled for no reason, and he laughed so often. He... he doubted himself a lot, though. Mom used to prevent him from doing anything and everything. It frustrated him to hell and back...

"Tempest always used to keep him in check, but she left after he turned eighteen. They still talk. He worked hard at everything. H-his b-best friend... s-she taught him to write..." she choked on her words, tears beginning to well in her eyes.

"She died, didn't she?" I asked. Elentiya nodded.

"108 years ago, today," she whispered.

"What was her name?" I asked softly, not wanting to upset Elentiya more.

Her voice was equally soft when she replied, "Emily."


Elentiya (May 1), 160

Lyria (September 9), 146

Malatyr (March 20), 129

Emily (July 15), 128

Sam{Elentiya's brother} (February 27), 33

Connall (December 2), 31

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