Chapter 31

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Emily's POV

My claws clicked against the stony ground as I ran. I had finally left the territory that was brimming with snow two weeks ago. That territory had led me right into a mountain range, where my paws got cut on too many stones to count. There had been plenty of open fields and hills after that, making my trip North much faster. Now, I was running through a vast territory of mountains. If I remembered correctly, which I implored on the wyrd that I did, I had to follow the West coast until I found an inlet to take me to Velaris. I prayed that Feyre and Rhysand would help me get home.

I stiffened, freezing in my tracks as I felt something approach me from the sky. I glanced up in time to see two winged males land in front of me. I bared my teeth at them, hissing as I did so. We entered a kind of stand-off, no one daring to make a move, in case the other reacted poorly. I glanced between the two. The one with shoulder-length, black hair and hazel eyes had red jewels stuck in his weird armour. The other male also wore strange armour, but his jewels were a sapphire blue, and his black hair was short, framing his hazel eyes. 

"Can you revert to a form that can speak?" the red-jewelled male asked. I snarled at him, not wanting to reveal my true form. He snarled right back. Oh, how I would love to wipe that smirk off of his face. I glanced around at my surroundings, hoping for some way out. I found none. I was trapped. I sighed. Seeing no other option but to talk to these males, I shifted.

The red-jewelled male raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You're a female."

My lips drew back into a snarl at his words. "You have a problem with that, bat?" I snapped at him. My head cocked sideways slightly in a predatory manner.

"Great, another sassy female," he muttered. I was glaring daggers at him now. He looked back up at me. "What are you doing in the Night Court?"

I smiled broadly. So, I was on the right track. "I'm trying to get home," I replied.

"To the Night Court?" he asked.

"Why should I tell you where I live?" I demanded while I crossed my arms. "Now, let me go."

"Not going to happen, sweetheart," he stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine then. We'll do this the hard way," I snapped. I rolled my shoulders a couple of times. "Bring it on, Illyrian," I snarled at both of them.

The red-jewelled male leapt at me. I rolled my eyes as I wove my magic into the rocks around me, ducking so that he flew over my head. He crashed head-first into the stone ledge as I dropped the illusion. I turned towards the other male. I smiled sadistically as I held a hand palm up. A boulder seemingly appeared before chucking it at him. I continued to make him dodge the stones until I was able to slip past him. I wrapped myself in another illusion, disappearing into the stone maze.


Feyre's POV

"Ladon, I said you're going, and that's final," I snapped at last. We'd been arguing for the last hour about whether or not he had to go to the ball that Terrasen was hosting for the return of Aelin, Elentiya and Lyria. His blue-grey eyes looked startled at my sudden outburst. I rubbed my temples. "Just... tomorrow... you're going, okay?" He nodded. I watched him disappear down the hallway.

Shouts came from the garden. This was not what I needed right now. 

After Cassian and Azriel had shown up three days ago with news of a potential threat that had managed to escape both of their grasps with barely an effort, I had started considering missing the ball so that I could keep the Night Court protected.

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