Chapter 54

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Elentiya's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I snuggled closer to Ladon's warm body. I smiled sleepily as I pressed a kiss to his shoulder. I could get used to waking up beside him.

My sleepy smile turned into a full-out grin. After today I might never have to wake up without him again. With that in mind, I forced myself to leave my— our— bed. A shiver of pleasure ran down my spine at that thought. I cast one last glance at him, still sound asleep, before silently getting ready for the day.

I headed down to the map room where Mal was already waiting. "Look who finally decided to show up," Mal said with a small smile.

"My bed was very warm, thank you."

"You sure it was your bed and not-" He got cut off by a snowball that I'd thrown at his face.

He glared at me as he wiped the snow off of his face and clothes. Just then Emily entered. Mal immediately turned his glare to her. "Do you always need to wear so much perfume?" He demanded. "It's sickening."

She returned his glare. "Do you always have to be such an asshole?" She retorted.

"Enough! Let's just get on with planning instead of biting each other's heads off."

They both sent a final death glare at each other before moving over to the map laid out on the table. "So... any ideas for taking Vincent down, 'Tiya?" Mal asked casually.

I rolled my eyes. "Like I've explained to you for the past week, I don't know."

"We could-"

Emily was instantly cut off by Mal saying, "No one asked." Which led to another glaring match.

"Mal, I don't care what your personal feelings are here, I'm open to any ideas from whoever. So unless you let Emily share her ideas, you can fucking leave." I crossed my arms as I waited for him to decide.

"Fine. She can share her stupid ideas." I refrained from tugging my hair out at his childish behaviour.

Emily continued glaring at Mal as she spoke. "Well, we can distract him before killing him."

"And how exactly would we do that, miss Know-it-all?" Mal sneered.

"We could just use you as bait since you're such a fucking jackass."

"You know what! Let's just call it quits! You know, since we're clearly not going to get anywhere with the two of you arguing!"

The two of them nodded before storming out.

"Well, that's a pleasant way to start my birthday," Ladon grumbled.

I turned to him. "Happy birthday, love."

He smiled. "I'm never gonna get tired of hearing that."

I pushed myself onto my tiptoes so I could press a kiss on his forehead. "C'mon, I've a busy day planned for us."

"Lead the way."


We spent the rest of the day together doing various activities. I wrapped my fingers around the box in my pocket as we approached our table for dinner in a private room. Ladon grabbed my hands once the waiter left with our orders as we sat opposite each other. "Thank you. This has been the best birthday I've ever had."

My cheeks heated up at the compliment. "It wasn't that special."

"I'm going to stop you right there. Any moment I spend with you is the best moment of my life. You're the only one I'll ever love." He leaned over our table, kissing me soundly on the lips.

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