Chapter 45

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Elentiya's POV

Shards of glass poked out of his leg and his shirt were falling off of his shoulders, revealing the blood-drenched skin beneath. My feet were rooted to the ground as Luna helped him over to a bed where healers immediately went to his aid. I swallowed. Why couldn't I stop staring? I had seen worse. So much worse.

"What happened?" My voice has dropped into a low snarl as I walked up to Luna.

She didn't meet my gaze, choosing to watch Ladon. "They came out of nowhere. I was untying the last horse when I heard him shout out. They'd already cut his chest open by then, though." She turned to me now. "I only managed to knock them out before he collapsed. The portal was already open and- I just now noticed the shards in his leg."

My jaw clenched. "Show me who they are."

"Elentiya... Don't be stupid," Cal interrupted from behind me.

"Don't tell me what to do, Cal." My gaze still locked on Luna. "Show me who they are."

She glanced between the two of us. "I-"

"Elentiya," Cal growled.

My eyes narrowed as I whipped around to face him. "Don't. Finish that sentence."

"I'm not letting you go on a suicide mission to avenge someone you've barely spoken to for A MONTH."

I rolled my eyes as I let my voice drop deadly low. "What about-"

A groan from behind me made me whirling around. "Ladon?"

His eyes fluttered open. "H-hey?" he replied tentatively. I forced myself not to cringe. I deserved it for my behaviour.

"Who did this to you?" I gripped his hand gently, staring into his eyes.

"Don't answer that!"

"Why do you care?" he demanded instead.

I looked away, trying to hide my tears. I deserved this. I deserved his skepticism. "I- I- deserve that." I dropped his hand, taking a step back. This... he must've felt this way. Or maybe he never cared about that. Of course, he didn't care. "Show me, Luna?" I asked her quietly.

This was the only thing left to do. They'd be able to kill Vincent without me. And it was clear that Ladon had never cared about me. So-

I let my mental shields drop as Luna brushed up against them. Images of a soldier plunging dripping glass into Ladon's thigh sent blind rage through my veins. Luna's presence in my mind faltered.

"Thank you," I told her. Doubt crossed her features as I smirked. I turned on my heel, striding towards the hall and pushing open the wooden doors without so much as a look back. As they closed behind me, I heard Cal calling for me to come back.

I shook my head slightly, all amusement falling off my face as my features rearranged themselves into a look of determination. As I free-fell from the ballroom balcony, a golden light enveloped me. When it vanished, I was soaring towards the setting sun, the only thought on my mind was the need to seek out retribution on those that had harmed Ladon.

Ladon's POV

I watched Elentiya turn away from me. Her shoulders drooped while she refused to meet my eyes. Why did I say that? Why did I have to say that? She was finally talking to me again, and I went and said THAT! Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. "I- I- deserve that." Wait. What? Why would she say something like that? Couldn't she-

She interrupted my thoughts again as she dropped my hand. "Show me, Luna." Show her what? What did she even-

A smirk had spread onto Elentiya's face while Luna's dropped into one of doubt. "Thank you," Elentiya stated before she walked out, Cal calling after her.

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