Chapter 52

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Elentiya's POV

The Sun had set several hours ago, but I crept through the palace to visit my brother after trying and failing to fall asleep. The hospital wing was covered in shadows as I entered, hence why I didn't spot Emily right away as she slept beside Mal.

These two embodied love. As I watched them sleep, I swore Mal's hand tightened around Emily's before relaxing again. I shook my head. He couldn't have moved that way. Not while he was trapped in his head.

My stomach started to tie itself in knots, making me turn away. It was creepy watching them sleep. Very very creepy.

Sighing to myself, I turned back to the door. Maybe I could spend the night with Ladon.

"'Tiya?" I froze midway through opening the door at Mal's hoarse voice.

My throat tightened at the sight of his open eyes. I pressed my hand to my mouth, unable to speak.

"What are you doing here?" He asked slowly as of trying to remember how to form words. "It- it's very late."

I took a slow step forward. I swallowed the lump in my throat, blinking away the tears in my eyes. Walking forward tentatively until I was right beside his bed.

"You're awake," I stated after I finally managed to convince myself that I was dreaming.

"I didn't notice," he murmured still incredibly slowly.

"You're awake," I repeated. "You're really awake. Not just-" I broke off into sobs, trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake Emily.

He smiled at me. "You can thank Emily for that."

"Thank me for what?" Emily asked with a yawn.

I flung my arms around her as she sat up. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-"

She patted my back awkwardly. "You're. Welcome," she rasped out.

I winced, immediately letting go. "Sorry!"

"It's fine." I winced again as she rubbed her ribs. "So..."

My gaze dropped to the floor, only lifting again when Mal groaned. His arms shook violently as he attempted to push himself into a sitting position. After a solid minute of effort and him refusing multiple offers of help from both Emily and myself, he managed to sit up. His head hit the wall behind him with a thud, causing me to flinch. He merely sighed deeply while keeping his eyes closed.

"That. Took way too much effort," he stated.

"To be fair, you were tortured for a month while being starved, and then continued to be bedridden for another month," Emily replied before pressing a kiss to the base of his neck.

"That's a fair point."

"It's good to see that you're feeling better, too, 'Tiya," Emily started after a moment. "You were pretty sick for a while there."

"Ladon took good care of me."

Mal scrunched up his face while tilting his head. "I recognize the name. Do I know them?"

Emily and I locked eyes, both of us trying to hold in laughter.

Mal scowled, elbowing Emily gently in the ribs and glaring at me. "Stop laughing at me."

"I just forgot how much you don't know."

"Had an eventful couple of months then?" He remarked dryly.

"Oh, yes, they were absolutely wonderful. Not like I was constantly worried about my itty brother who can't keep himself out of trouble," I snapped back sarcastically.

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