Chapter 7

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Rowan's POV

I couldn't help but wonder why Elentiya had left so suddenly. I did, however, understand why Aelin had followed her.

Aelin may let the girls get away with everything. She may not act very much like a parent. But she did take care of them. Sometimes it surprised me how in tune she was with Elentiya and Lyria, especially when she seemed so careless about every other aspect of parenting.

So when Aelin came rushing back into the room a few minutes later, frantic, I was shocked.

"Wh-where is he?" she demanded. Her eyes were wild until they landed on him.

"What's wrong?" I demanded, her panic quickly spreading to me.

Elentiya showed up a few seconds later, leaning on the doorframe.

"What is happening?" Lyria asked her. She didn't answer, only staring at Aelin with a sad smile.

Aelin was slowly moving her hand in front of his face, tears streaming down her face.

Finally, she collapsed on the bed.

It was then that Elentiya spoke up. "I'm sorry," she said.

"I-it's not your fault," Aelin whispered.


"I wouldn't've known if you hadn't pointed it out," Aelin replied.

"Can someone please explain what is going on?" I questioned.

The question hung in the air for several minutes, and I thought they were going to answer when Aelin said, "He's blind."

"But he-" Lyria began.

"He only reached for you after you had spoken. He couldn't see the butterfly that I made. He could only feel it when it landed on his nose. That's why he flinched," Elentiya replied.

She opened her mouth to say something when Aedion came in. "He can meet his Uncle Aedion!" he boomed before looking at the five of us. "What's with you all? You have a son!" he shouted. Malatyr started crying, making us all glare at Aedion.

Normally, Aelin's glare could permanently maim someone. But with two more exactly like it... I was slightly surprised that Aedion wasn't dead yet."

He raised his hands and started backing towards the doorway.

Lysandra came in and stopped dead in her tracks. "Who died? Was it Aedion?" she asked.

I let out a long-suffering sigh. "No one died," I told her. "We just found out that Malatyr is blind."

"He is? Are you sure? Maybe-" she started.

"We're sure. He can't see," Elentiya stated. She glanced towards Lyria and tapped her leg. Lysandra rushed past me to engulf Aelin in a hug.

My ears picked up the sound of the door clicking shut as I realized that Lyria and Elentiya had disappeared.

I shook my head with a smile, Sneaky girls.

Lyria's POV

I followed Elentiya as she wove through the hallways. I knew what she wanted to talk about. 

She glanced both ways before darting into an empty room filled with paintings, dust and... a pianoforte.

She gently closed the door behind her with the wind, lighting the room with garlands of flame. I drew a wyrdmark on the door as she enveloped the room in compressed air, so no sound escaped.

The wyrdmark glowed before settling. 

I sat down on the floor in front of her.

"You and I need to protect him," she stated. 

"I know," I replied firmly. "I think we would've even if he could see."

Elentiya nodded. "Good. I wasn't prepared to argue and try to convince you," she said.

I nodded in confirmation. "I wasn't either."

"So, no matter what..." she started as she cut her hand with a knife.

She handed it to me. "We protect him..." I continued as I, too, cut my hand.

"His happiness..." she said.

"His well-being..." I smiled at her.

"And his health..." She offered her hand.

"For now and always." I took it. Our blood mixing as the wounds pressed together.

We made eye contact as our breathing grew faster, laboured. I could feel the pain settling inside of me. The look in her eyes told me that she felt the same. We continued to grasp each other's hand while our magic sealed the promise we made to each other, to Malatyr.

Then as soon as the pain had come, it was gone. As if it had never existed, leaving us tired and breathless on the floor.

"Definitely a good idea for the lock and shield," I murmured.

"Good idea for sitting down," Elentiya muttered back. 

"No kidding," I replied.

She laughed breathlessly as she lay on the floor. "Worth it, though," she stated.

I rolled my eyes before collapsing beside her. 

"No one can ever know," she said. 

I rolled to my side to face her. "You know, Fen and I share everything with each other," I stated.

"Including a bed," she muttered. I gaped at her. "I wouldn't be surprised if I was gonna be-"

I punched her stomach, making her groan while laughing. "Did you just insinuate that I'm doing it!" I shouted at her. She snickered. "I can assure you that we are-" I said.

"Bullshit! The whole kingdom knows about you two," she stated. I gaped at her as my blush darkened. 

"It's not like you don't know about that kind of stuff," I retorted. 

She stared at me in disbelief. "You don't know what it was like," she muttered darkly before rolling away from me. Salt filled the air as she curled in on herself.

Too far, I thought. I had gone too far. 

I placed a hand on her shoulder. She jerked away from me. "Don't. Touch. Me," she snarled.

"I-I'm sorry," I told her quietly. 

She stayed there, unmoving as she cried. "It hurt," she stated. "Every time. He hurt me." I just sat there, not daring to say a word. "It was worse than the whips and fire. Worse than any knife. And he's right," she told me. "I will never trust anyone again," she finished.

"Why not?" I asked her. 

She finally turned around to face me. Her face was stained with tears, while her eyes were red and puffy. "B-because I will always fear that someone will hurt me again." And there it was, her greatest fear. I breathed out slowly before wrapping her in my arms and a blanket of flames.


Okay... so I've decided to start including the ages and birthdays of people at the ends of chapters.

Elentiya (May 1), 33

Lyria (September 9), 18

Malatyr (March 20), newborn

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