Chapter 30

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Emily's POV

"Look who's back," I drawled as I leaned against one of the iron walls. I smiled wickedly as Beron stalked towards me, a snarl plastered onto his face. "You'll ruin your hideous face even more if you keep that up." My words made his snarl deepen further as he opened his mouth to answer. "Ah, ah, ah! I have a proposition for you," I said while holding up a hand.

"You are in no-" 

"What did I just say!" I demanded as I gave him an unimpressed look. "Or is your hearing starting to go along with your looks? That's assuming that you ever looked pleasant in the first place..." His eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared at me.

"Oh, hush! There's no need for that! Now, back to my proposition!" I declared brightly, making him scowl further. "I would like to fight for my freedom."

"And why should I grant you any chance at freedom?" he growled at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Awww... Bryson, I thought we moved past growling at each other..." I remarked in a fake pouty voice as I gave him my best disappointed look. He just continued to glare at me. "Fine! You're no fun, Braxton! If you win, I'll tell you anything, truthfully. If I win, you'll let me leave your territory without additional hindrance." 

"Why would I do that if I can just torture it out of you?" he said, grinning sadistically. "I would enjoy it very much, stupid female." It took all of my willpower to keep my smirk from faltering.

I turned my attention to my nails to regain my composure as I replied. "Ahhh... but I can always lie under torture, now can't I? You have no way of knowing if what I say is the truth or lies... Plus... I am just a 'stupid female.'" I air-quoted him as I looked up, a brutal smile creeping onto my face. "What do you possibly have to lose?" I asked rhetorically.

My words left him speechless. "I could lose any information from you."

I gave him an innocent look, batting my eyelashes slightly. "Who? Me?" I asked, placing a hand over my heart. "But I'm just a female." I looked up at him under lowered lashes, watching him for any reaction. 

His eyes gave him away. I kept the smile from etching itself across my mouth as I saw his bruised pride enter his gaze. "Alright, have it your way, female!" he snarled, spitting the last word out like a bad taste.

I allowed myself to smile as I answered. "So, what are the rules?"


I was dragged up into a sparring ring. The regulations were simple, only us, our weapons and our magic could be used, meaning no outside help. The winner was the first to yield. If he won, I would remain his prisoner and would indulge any information that he wanted. If I won, I would be escorted out of the Autumn Court.

A sword was pressed into my hands by one of the guards. I made a couple of movements, testing out the weight and balance of the iron blade. I scowled. He knew what he was doing, giving me an iron weapon. I stuck my tongue out at him as I walked over to the sparring ring, marked by white chalk.

He stalked in after me, a cocky smirk gracing his lips. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I shook out my stiff limbs.

"Ready, Brady?" I asked mockingly. 

"My name is Beron," he replied.

"That's what I said, Brent," I stated, a smile playing on my lips. 

His growl was cut short by a bell, signalling the start of the fight. and immediately tossed the useless sword out of the ring. 

I immediately flung the iron sword outside of the ring. I had no use for a weapon that would limit my magic which, thankfully, after several days, had replenished enough for me to use. I wrapped myself in an illusion, becoming invisible.

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