Chapter 27

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Elentiya's POV

True to his word, Mal hadn't left the castle by himself over the past thirty years. Of course, I knew this was more out of fear for what he would do to himself rather than wanting to keep his promise. But, frankly, I didn't care why he kept his promise, just so long as he did. 

A sudden wave of sadness washed over me at the thought of leaving him behind. I shook my head as I continued my search for Sam and Connall. Where in hell are those two imbeciles? I thought to myself as I stalked through the halls of the castle.

Mom, Lyria and I were leaving today... For ten years... To explore the world. And I knew it was a long trip. But, it was a trip that I had wanted to take for a century now. So, I really needed to find them. Preferably before Mom decided to drag me out of the city by force.

I strode into the library, finding both of them lounging in separate chairs. They were both surrounded by a mountain of books. "There you are! I just turned the castle inside out, looking for the both of you," I exclaimed as I walked towards them.

They both looked up from their books. "What's the matter, sis?" Sam asked from his seat.

"We're leaving today, and I need you to do something while I'm gone," I stated as I crossed my arms.

Connall let out a sigh as he placed his thick book on the wooden table beside him. "What is it?" he demanded.

"Don't let Mal be out of your sight for more than twenty-four hours. I don't care if both of you see him during that time or just one of you. It needs to happen. And he is not, under any conditions, to leave the castle by himself," I stated with a hint of a snarl starting to form in my tone.

They looked at each other before looking at me in confusion. "Isn't that... babying him?" Sam asked after a long silence. "I mean, he's almost a century older than us... It just... What?" he demanded at my glare.

I let out a long-suffering sigh. "Out of the three of us, who knows Mal the best?" I questioned them with a glare as I flashed my canines at them, no longer caring if I came across as threatening. Malatyr was my brother, and if his well-being depended on it, I would do anything.

"You," they replied at the same time without hesitation.

"Then, why in hell, are you questioning what I'm telling you to do for the sake of his well-being!" I snapped at them. I made sure to keep my magic in check as my anger flared. However mad I was at them right now, I didn't truly want to fry them to a crisp.

The shrunk away from me. "Okay, if it means so much to you... one of us will see him every twenty-four hours, and we won't let him leave the castle by himself," Connall mumbled. We turned our gazes on Sam.

"What he said," Sam replied, his hands in the air placatively. 

I nodded in acceptance. "Good," I muttered as I released my breath, my anger evaporating with it. "Now, bring it in! I'm gonna miss you guys!" I said as I spread my arms apart for a hug. Connall rolled his eyes as he stood up. Sam just stayed sitting, making me roll my eyes at him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. "I love you guys so much," I whispered to both of them.

"We love you, too, 'Tiya," they replied simultaneously. 

I pulled back, wiping my eyes furiously as tears started to form.

"I gotta go," I told them before turning away. I stopped in the doorway to look back at them. "And thanks, I really appreciate you taking care of Mal while I'm away," I told them before walking out of the room.


I found Mal leaning against Kohana's stable when I walked in to saddle Kohana up so I could depart. 

"Hey," I said as I walked up beside him.

He smiled at me tightly as he pushed himself up into a standing position. "Hey," he replied quietly. He didn't even look up at me as I opened Kohana's stable. "I'm going to miss you," he mumbled as I picked up the saddle. I stopped. Placing the saddle back down, I turned towards him.

I felt tears pricking my eyes. "I'll write, yeah?" I asked him. He nodded. 

"I won't be able to write back, though," he told me, his smile tightening further.

He probably wouldn't. We'd be moving far too often for him to write back. The thoughts sent a pang through my heart. "Probably not," I replied in disappointment.

He stayed silent for a while. "When you get back-" he stopped talking abruptly.

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "You'll be the first one I see," I told him as I pulled him into a hug. He was easily a head taller than me. "Cauldron, you're tall," I whispered to him. We stood there for a long minute, just holding each other. "I'll be back before you know it," I mumbled into his chest. He didn't answer. As I pulled away, I saw tears shining in his eyes.

"You better tell me all about it," he stated as he wiped his eyes.

"What? Did you think I'd disappear on you and not tell you about it?" I demanded. I crossed my arms with a smirk. He let out a broken, harsh laugh, surprising both of us. "You choose the day I'm leaving to laugh for the first time in a century?" I asked in disbelief.

A real smile tugged on his lips. "It surprised me just as much," he reassured me. He stood in silence as I saddled up Kohana. As I climbed into the saddle, he grasped my hand. 

I looked down at him. "Have fun, sis," he said as he let go.

"I will," I stated as I flicked the reins, meeting Lyria and Mom in the courtyard. They smiled at me as they, too, climbed into their saddles. 

We raced out of Orynth, ready to start our trip. As we rode past the Western gates, I smiled at the lion adorning it while I spared one last glance at the castle before turning around and chasing after Lyria and our Mom. 


Okaaaaaay... What. The. Heck. I know for a fact that I posted this yesterday... Damn it... I'll add another chapter later as an apology for something that happened between me hitting publish and this chapter being published...

Elentiya (May 1), 190

Lyria (September 9), 176

Malatyr (March 20), 159

Emily (July 15), 159

Sam (February 27), 63

Connall (December 2), 61

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