Chapter 59

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Emily's POV

I groaned as Cal shook me awake for the last two-hour shift of the night. I cracked my back as I stood up, getting rid of the stiffness sleeping on a cold rock gave me.

The sky was still dark as I walked out into the freezing valley. I could see my breath in front of me as I shivered. Mal must've been using some of his magic to keep us warm through the night. Luckily, snow had fallen overnight, covering any tracks we would've made yesterday.

It wasn't until almost the end of my shift, when the sun started to rise, that I heard footsteps from inside the cave. "I hate the cold," Mal grumbled, making me jump.

As he walked up beside me, warmth flooded over me, confirming my earlier assumption. "Thanks," I told him with a smile.

He sat down, cross-legged in the snow. I hesitated before cautiously sitting beside him. He hummed contentedly as he hugged me. "It's weird," I murmured, making him stop. "Showing affection like this openly again."

"Would you like me to stop?"

"No! I mean no. Of course, not. I missed it..." I mumbled the last part, hoping that he wouldn't hear me.

"I missed it, too."

By then, the sun had risen past the horizon. I sighed. "Mal... there's something I need to tell you..."

"Okay. Shoot," he told me.

I bit my lip, only to be interrupted by Elentiya. "Time to get ready!"

He immediately stood up, shaking out his legs. He offered me a hand up, which I gladly took. "Whatever it is you want to tell me, tell me when this is all over," he told me softly. He kissed my forehead before heading back into the cave.


The sun neared its peak as we crested the final hill in the valley. Vincent's cold grey fortress loomed behind an army at least two hundred strong. I swallowed, turning to see that Mal's determined look never faltered. Calming myself, I forced my expression to show equal determination.

Elentiya turned Kohana around to face us. Her expression was grim but the golden battle circlet brought strength to my spirit. Her eyes flashed with great power while her chin lifted up. "This battle before us will be our toughest yet." She cast a look over our group. "But, I know that we can beat them. We are fae warriors. All of us. We're a team. And there is no one I would rather fight this battle with. There is no one else I would rather take to finish this war." She smiled then, a tear trickling down her cheek. "And, thank you. All of you for being here with me. I hope to see you all at the end of this. But if worst comes to worst, I'll see you in the afterlife."

She wiped her tears away before pulling out her beautiful sword. "Remember the plan." She turned, Kohana rearing onto his rear legs as she shouted, "For Terrasen!" And rode into the oncoming fray, all of us in tow.

I was the first to bring down one of the oncoming faes with my modified gun. At least, I had had plenty of time to tinker with the thing until it was quiet enough to use without causing my ears to ring every time. Elentiya charged into the second line of soldiers as they attempted to climb over their fallen comrades. Kohana fell the third line with his hooves. And the fourth line fell to Elentiya's sword.

By then, I'd reached the army as well. My gun was quickly replaced by my sword. Blood flew through the air as I killed my way through the battlefield.

As the sun sunk behind the mountains, something knocked my horse. My sword flew from my hand. My first instinct made me curl up and protect my stomach before my back hit the ground. I skidded several feet backwards, only managing to open my eyes when I felt someone kick my back.

"Finally!" they shouted. I watched them reach for their sword. "I'm going to-" I tuned out the rest of his words.

I closed my eyes. Ashleigh would never know what happened to me. Mal would never know what happened to me either.

My eyes snapped open.

I still had one last weapon that I could use.

Moving my hand to my thigh, I grabbed my gun. "Now... you die!" they snarled at me.

Only to fall over as I shot them in the neck.

I rolled onto my knees, managing to push myself up into a crouch. Breathing hard, I looked up.

Soldiers were closing in on me.

I rocked back onto my heels, grabbing my gun in shaking hands. This was going to hurt like hell.

I loud whinny sounded from behind me. I didn't get a chance to turn before Elentiya leapt over me.

She ran down the soldiers in front of me as Mal jumped down from his horse beside me. "Need a hand?"

I grabbed his hand, allowing him to hoist me to my feet.

I smiled at him but he already had his sword drawn. "Just like old times?" he asked, handing me a second sword strapped to his back.

I smiled back. "No other way I'd rather do it," I replied as I stabbed another soldier in the heart.

I glanced at Elentiya as she jumped from Kohana's back and sent him back to the cave. She ran over, hacking at the enemy forces until she, too, fought back to back with us.

Waves of magic whipped out at them whenever death seemed inevitable. I flung daggers past Mal's head multiple times as an enemy got past his guard.

Elentiya turned, sending a massive plume of moon-fire into the army. We ran through the opening towards Vincent's stronghold while it closed in.

Another wave burned through the army again. We pushed forward, the rest of our group finally joining us at the gates.

Everyone but Elentiya, who was holding back the remains of the army, turned to look at Mal.

He stood there sadly. "It's time."

I surged forward, not caring who saw. I planted a kiss on his lips. I closed my eyes, savouring the moment. Praying that we didn't have to part. But...

He pulled back. A sad look donned his face. "It's the only way." I nodded as he turned, running into the fortress. Hoping I'd see him alive at the end of it all, I turned away from him to the remains of Vincent's army, sword held high ready to fight to my last breath.


Have a great week. Stay safe. And I hope to see you all next Thursday!

Luna (August 9), 217

Elentiya & Cal (May 1), 201

Lyria (September 9), 187

Malatyr (March 20), 170

Emily (July 15), 170

Sam (February 27), 75

Connall (December 2), 73

Ladon (September 13), 21

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