Who Do You Belong To

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Adam was standing over me, while I sat on the edge of the bed. I looked up at him. He took off his glasses and handed them to Luther without breaking the intense eye contact with me. With every second, the tension got worse. My heart rate was picking up even though he wasn't even doing anything to me. Finally, he bent down and whispered "Who do you belong to?" 

I stared back. "Max."

There was a chuckle from the other side of the room.

Adam placed a hand around my throat and squeezed lightly on the sides of my neck until I could feel my pulse in my ears. He slowly pushed me down and got on top of me. With his intense eyes he looked at me. His hands went down to unbutton my pants and I sunk into the bed. His hands stroked my hard dick and my eyes practically rolled into the back of my head. Precum dripped over his hands and he brought his mouth closer to my dick. I could feel his hot breath on me. I waited for when I would feel his hot wet mouth on me. God, I wanted it so bad.

But he just kept breathing. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at him. His cold, menacing eyes. His mouth an inch away from my dripping cock. He smiled. It was nothing like the smiles I usually saw from him. "Sorry," He pulled away, "But I don't play with what isn't mine."

He let go and wiped his hand on his shirt. "No!" I shouted. "No no no no no wait come back."

He walked away and found Luther, who was on the couch watching Max try to break free from his bonds. Adam grabbed Luther and kissed him passionately. No. I needed Adam right now. Goddammit. All I could think about is how I needed him to make me cum. I would do anything to have him make me cum. "I'm yours, please!" I pleaded, but he just kept making out with Luther.

Okay, what to do, what to do. What would make Adam happy? Oh God, I needed it so bad. I blurted out, "I belong to you, Master."

Max's head snapped to me. Luther turned to me and smiled. He also gave a subtle thumbs up. Adam froze. His eyes were closed. He softly said, "say it again."

"I'm yours, Master."

I heard a soft clanging sound. Like dropping something metal. I didn't pay attention. I was just focused on Adam. He was focused on me. Luther was focused on the key that dropped out of Adam's pocket.

In a flash Adam was on me. His hand started right where it left off and his lips were on my neck. He occasionally moved and I think he gave me a total of four hickeys. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I came. 

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