Truth or Dare

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That night, Adam led me and the others to Vienna's home in the mansion. He knocked on the door. Luther was practically jumping up and down. "I'm so excited! These things are always fun!"

I was mostly excited with a hint of nervous. I really wanted them to like me, especially if the others had such a good relationship with the green band. The door opened, revealing a tall, lanky man with blond hair and green eyes. "Hi, welcome. Come on in."

He motion for us to come inside and closed the door behind us. He looked at me as we were filing in. "I'm Sam, by the way."


He smiled, and it was quite precious. Inside the dorm, there was a lot of people. Some of the red band, all of the grey band, the orange band, us, and the greens. Eric, from the grey band, walked up to me. "Hey, man. Welcome in, you should hang with us before the traditional truth or dare circle."

"The what?"

He laughed. "We all play truth or dare whenever Vienna hosts a party. She gives a speech on how the game jump-started her relationship with her dom and then we play. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's deep, and sometimes," he winked, "it's dirty. But you can always refuse dares, don't worry."

We sat and talked with the grey band. Thomas didn't talk much, but Jack and Malcom were more talkative this time around. It seemed like they were getting used to things here. Eventually, Vienna clapped her hands and demanded everyone's attention. "Circle up, folks!"

They pushed the furniture out of the way and everyone sat in a circle. I was kind of praying no one would ask me truth or dare. Vienna's before mentioned speech began. "So, for anyone new here, I'm Vienna and this is the truth or dare circle. My relationship with one of my now-fiancés started with this simple game, and for that I will always pay tribute to it. I'll start."

She looked around the room. "Rosa, truth or dare?"

The girl with red eyes smiled. "Dare!"

Vienna smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes when she said "Compliment me."

Rosa laughed. "Vienna, you are one of the hottest people here. The goth style works really well on you."

Vienna pretended to be shocked by the compliment. Rosa looked around the room. "Thomas, truth or dare?"

His deep, calm voice echoed in the silent room. "Truth, please."

"When's the last time you got in a fist fight?"

Thomas looked at Eric, Jack, and Malcom. Eric patted his arm. "About a week ago. Jack's dad."

The room erupted in "WHAT?"s and laughter. Jack smiled sheepishly. Thomas's face remained neutral. Thomas's eyes scanned the crowd. His eyes found mine. "Link, you look terrified, so I won't go with you."

Vienna boos from across the circle. Thomas pays her no mind. "Adam, truth or dare?"

"Truth, my friend."

"What honorifics are used in your band?"

"Ooo"s washed over the crowd. I hid my face in my hands to hide my blush. Adam wasn't fazed at all. "I'm Master or Sir, Max is Daddy or Sir, Luther is Kitten or Slut, and Link is usually Princess."

Luther looked proud as he nodded along, as did Max. It was Adam's turn. He gave me no mercy. "Link, truth or dare. I'm doing this because you look terrified."

I resisted the urge to flip him off. "Truth."

"Hmm. Are there any other honorifics you like besides Princess?"

I blushed. "Um, I don't really know. You can try stuff out. I'm still new to all of that."

He nodded. I looked at the three who were absolute strangers to me. The orange band. "Um, you with the orange eyes in the middle. What's your name and truth or dare?"

"Merida. And, um, truth."

"How long have you been here?"

She smiled at the man and woman on either side of her. "I've been here for a little less than a year. It's been quite fun."

The woman patted Merida's leg and smiled sweetly at her. Merida found her victim. "Sam. Truth or dare?"

The skinny man with green eyes smiled and politely spoke. "How about... Dare?"

"Say a curse word. Loud enough so everyone can hear."

The crowd slightly gasped. I didn't know why. But I had a hunch it was a BDSM thing, as Sam wore a collar around his neck. Was he under certain rules like Luther was? Sam looked at the giant, muscly, very attractive man beside him. The man gave a nod. Sam took a deep breath.


Vienna fake gasped dramatically and many people laughed. The man next to him whispered something into his ear, and Sam blushed. He recovered quickly and pointed at Luther. "Luther. Truth or dare?"

"Easy. Dare."

"Make Adam blush."

Luther quickly scooted over me to get to Adam. He whispered something in Adam's ear for a long time. Eventually, Adam's face became slightly pink. Adam whispered something back and the smile on Luther's face immediately turned to fear. Luther sat back down next to me. Luther scanned the crowd and chose red eyes. "Zander, truth or dare?"


"Have any of the reds have sex with each other besides Rosa and Tammy?"

Everyone tuned in and listened intently. Rosa and Tammy smiled, fist bumped each other, and looked at Zander. Zander spoke slowly. "Kelly and I... may have gotten drunk once."

Everyone seemed genuinely shocked. Tammy and Rosa just nodded and smiled like they knew all along, which they probably did. Zander quickly moved on. "Paolo, truth or dare?"

The giant green-eyed man next to Sam cleared his throat. "Truth."

"Is the shower story true?"

"Yes. Yep. To this day, I barely know why I went into the bathroom. But she said come in and then one thing led to another and yeah. We played truth or dare in the shower like the second day we knew each other."

Everyone nodded. We played for a little while longer, then just chatted and danced and ate food. After the game, everyone was willing to mingle a lot more. I talked to everyone, or at least it felt like it. We eventually left and once we got to the dorm I crashed on the bed. Max flopped down next to me. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, I did. I liked talking to everyone and learning new stuff. I have to find out about Thomas and Jack's dad."

Max nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, for sure. I need the scoop on that too."

We got dressed in pajamas and cuddled close to each other. It was a good day.

Hello, author here! Lavender is still going to be updated occasionally, but I've been working on some side projects for a while that I'm ready to begin publishing. One is Grey, the story of the Grey band, and the other is Green, the story of the Green band. Both are rather fun and less tame than Lavender. A lot more angst, a lot more sex. Please check them out!


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