Maybe You Should Slow Down

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Adam and I went to the bar, which was at the far end of the cafeteria. There was only a few people sitting there, as most just came and went. We sat at a couple bar stools and Adam ordered us both vodka shots. I could feel the dark side of my mind taking over again, feeding me doubts. They don't want you here. I took a shot as the thoughts continued. No one wants you here. Another shot. You're better off dead. A third shot down the hatch.

Adam put his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe you should slow down."

Why would he want you? Four. You're nothing compared to the others. Five. You're nothing at all. "Hey!"

I looked up at Adam when he shouted. "Yes?" I said sarcastically.

"Take a break. You're drinking a lot."


"Link... Why are you drinking so much?"

I stopped. My pissed expression face-to-face with his concerned one. I picked up another full shot glass. He put his hand on my wrist and pressed it into the bar to stop me from taking it. I struggled under his grasp, but my already tipsy body didn't put up much of a fight. That, and the fact that I hate the taste of vodka. Adam pointed at someone and told them to get me a glass of water. Adam took the shot from me and put it behind the bar as a stranger with blue eyes handed him a glass. "Link... Drink this. Please."

I grabbed the glass from Adam and promptly dumped it on his lap. He gasped and stood up. I went back upstairs. I got back to the room where Max and Luther were already asleep. I slammed the door behind me, causing them to wake up. I went over to the sofa and laid down; there was no fucking way I was going to sleep in the same bed as any of them. Adam opened the door and just... stood there. His shirt and pants were wet, his posture stiff, his arms crossed, yet he had a soft expression. Like he was sad, or disappointed. Max sat up on the king-sized bed. "What happened?"

Adam just glanced at me and shook his head softly. Then I fell asleep.

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