Marked My Territory

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He wasted no time getting on top of me. He kissed me for the first time but pulled back after a second. He whispered, "tell me if I'm too rough" before pressing his lips back into mine. His hands were slightly up my shirt, grabbing my waist. His thumbs dug into me, but I kind of liked it. Actually, I really liked it. He pulled away from the kiss and began sucking on my neck. He grabbed my throat as he did it. After a little bit he pulled away and looked at the fresh hickey. He chuckled and ran a thumb over it. "Adam's gonna be pissed."

Meanwhile, my hand had been jacking me off. I had been trying to keep my moans as quiet as possible, but I was nearing my climax. Max had begun another hickey right below the first one, and it felt so good. All at once, I couldn't hold back anymore. I moaned- practically yelled- and came onto my stomach. A little got on Max too. When I came Max bit me. Hard. "Ow!"

He sat up and immediately began apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, oh god, I'm sorry, Jesus I promise I didn't mean to, it's just you were so hot, and I couldn't- shit I'm so sorry."

A door slammed. "Why, what did you do, Max?"

My hand went over my face in shame. Luther started chuckling, "Wow, Max got to you first, eh? What a shame, because Max doesn't swallow."

Max got off of me and stood next to the bed, "I don't need to swallow, Luther, because you have a cum drinking fetish!"

Adam rolled his eyes. "Boys! Enough."

Luther chuckled, Max harrumphed, and I still layed there mortified. Suddenly, Luther was in my face. "Can I lick you?" He asked.

I slowly nodded and he instantly began licking my stomach and the tip of my dick. I guess Max wasn't kidding about the cum drinking thing. Then, when he was finished, he took off his shirt and wiped me dry. I, too shell-shocked to process what just happened, sat up. Adam offered me a glass of water and my pancakes from earlier. I gladly accepted. He then saw the two hickeys and the bite mark on my neck, and he hissed. "Max... what did you do."

Max was letting Luther lick some of my cum off of him. At Adam's comment, he smiled wide. "Only marked my territory."

Adam was pissed at that. Luther came over, wiping saliva from his lips. "I think we're all about to get ripped to shreds. You good with that? Remember, just the word stop and they'll all bend to your will."

I nodded. Adam yelled, the first time I've ever heard him raise his voice. "He's not your territory, Max! He's his own person. And if he wanted to belong to someone, he would belong to all of us!"

Max looked like he was feeding off of Adam's glare. "Looking at him, it looks like only two people own his body. Him... and me."

"Well I owned Luther first!"

"Wow, Adam, I thought Luther was his own person."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"I own him too! Luther's a slut, it's not hard to own him!"

I gasped at the hurtful name, but Luther had his hand down his pants and smiled when he heard it. Oh right, masochist.

"You don't own him, Max!"

"Yeah I do, and I'll prove it!"

With that, Luther looked at me with a excited smile. I was terrified, but in a horny way.

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