Round 2

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We ate breakfast and discussed what we wanted to do next. I squirmed with excitement and could feel myself react to the dirty things we were saying. "Okay, let's go back to honorifics. I already told you what I like being used for me." Luther says, then looks at me.

"I'm fine with any, and I'd like to explore that, I think." I said.

Max and Adam nodded. "And what are you comfortable using for us?" Max asked, mostly to Luther.

Luther thought for a moment, and there was a second where he seemed lost in bad memories. But his eye lit up again and he said, "I'm comfortable calling you both Daddy, or anything else that's not Owner or Master."

The doms nodded. "What about Sir?" Adam asked.

Luther nodded. "I can do that."

We decided Max was to be called Daddy for the next scene, and Adam was Sir, although Max looked like he wanted to say something, but he just said, "And is there anything else we'd like to add?"

Luther cleared his throat. "I know this day is about me, but I would like to say that I enjoy watching you guys. And I'm willing to have sex."

I nod and say, "I second all of that. Watching you both play with Luther is hot as hell."

Luther speaks up again. "And hair pulling! I want to get my hair pulled."

"I have an idea." Max says quietly.

"Yeah?" I ask.

He looks slightly nervous. "I have had a... desire to... try something new. I was gonna maybe bring it up later but, uh, what if we take turns getting fucked by Adam?"

We all looked surprised. Adam runs his hand through Max's hair. "Do you want to try subbing or just bottoming?"

His face looked conflicted, then he took a deep breath. "I want to say just bottoming, but I do actually want to try subbing. I think. The fantasy is that I fight for dominance and lose."

Luther's eyebrows shot up. "That's hot as hell."

I nod and smile. "Welcome to the dark side, Max."

"Okay," Max said anxiously, "but you have to promise you won't lose respect for me when I go back to domming."

That thought hadn't even occurred to me. "Of course." I responded.

Luther agreed wholeheartedly. Max left to prep and Adam smiled at us. "Exciting stuff."

Luther squirmed in his seat. "Yeah. Takes the pressure off me, too. Not that you're pressuring me. It's just, I don't love all the eyes being on me. It reminds me of the early days."

We nod, and Adam says, "Okay. That's understandable."

His eyes flicker between us. "Who wants to go first?"

"Me!" I immediately shout.

"Please, Sir?" Luther begs.

Dammit, I definitely lost that one. "Luther, strip. Link, pull up two chairs."

I do as he requests, pulling the chairs to either side of the bed. Max returns and he smiles, but his body language looks anxious. I walk over and kiss him. "It's fun. You'll have fun. I promise." I reassure him.

He nods and his attention is snatched away when we hear Luther moan. We both get to our seats as Adam groans and enters Luther. Luther shoves his face in the pillows and Max moves towards the bed to sit on the end and grab a fistful of Luther's hair. He tugs and Luther moans. Luther gets onto his elbows so we can see his face as he moans from Adam's movements and Max's pulling. I got hard just from watching the scene play out, and even more excitement knowing my turn would arrive. I assumed I was next, so he could do Max last. Max confirmed we were all still saying green, and Adam continued pounding into Luther.

"Link, be a good pet and help me get Luther off." Adam ordered in between groans.

I got on the bed and wrapped my hand around Luther's cock, quickly going up and down his shaft. Luther started whining and whimpering, a sign that he was close. Before long, he was cumming on my hand and the blanket. I brought my hand to his mouth. Max helped him off the bed and onto one of the chairs after he licked my hand clean. Adam quickly moved behind me and put his hands on my waist. He moved his hard dick against my ass and spoke softly into my ear, "You have too many clothes on, pretty boy. Color?"

"Green." I exhaled.

My heart fluttered in my chest and I raised my arms so he could take my shirt off. He pulled down my pants and pushed me onto the bed. I got on my hands and knees and felt him grope my asscheeks. He stretched me with his fingers, and I found myself begging, "Please. I need it, Sir."

"That's a good whore. C'mon. Beg again." His hand pressed against my skin as he ran it up and down my back.

"Sir, I need your cock. I need to cum. Please." I begged without hesitation.

I looked to my left and saw Max grin. I looked to my right and saw Luther's eyes scanning my body. Adam suddenly slammed into me, filling me up. I gasped and my elbows buckled. I was instantly a moaning mess. "That's it, Link. Let me hear you." Adam muttered.

We continued with praise and light degrading names until I came. I flopped down and Max helped me get to the chair. I made eye contact with him and he looked nervous. "He'll go easy on you. Don't worry." I whispered.

Max gave me a small smile before Adam grabbed his hand and pulled Max towards him. They stare at each other for a second before Adam asks, "Color?"

Luther and I say green, and Max exhales a shaky breath before saying, "Green. I'm ready."

Adam holds Max's waist and kisses him gently. Adam smirks. "I'm gonna make you addicted to my cock."

Max's eyes narrowed. "You'll have to earn it first."

Adam grabs Max's crotch over his pajama pants. Max inhales sharply. Adam rubs his erection and leans in to gently kiss Max's neck. Max exhales and wraps his arms around Adam: one hand on the back of his head, the other on his back. Adam pulls back and says, "Don't you want to be a good boy for me, Sweetheart?"

Max smirks and says,"Maybe. Or maybe I-

His response is cut off with a deep, long kiss. Luther and I look to each other with wide eyes, then look back at the pair. We could practically see Max melt. Max's shirt was discarded in a brief moment of unconnected lips.

Adam breaks the kiss to look down at Max, kiss his neck, and say, "I'm going fuck you good. I'm going to fuck you slow. And you're going to love it."

He pinches one of Max's nipples and he whimpers. Max can't keep up his facade anymore, and he nods. His eyes are wide and pleading.

"Use your words, darling." Adam says softly.

"I-uh..." Max looks at Adam's lips, and his eyes flick down to his dick.

"Come on, baby. You can say it." Adam caresses his cheek.

"Fuck me." Max requests after a few second of eye contact.

Adam grabs Max's asscheek over his pants and kisses him softly. "Fuck me, what?"

Luther and I make eye contact that says, "Taste of his own medicine."

Max's breathing gets faster, and he opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Adam lifts his chin with his hand and runs his thumb over Max's bottom lip. "Color?" Adam asked Max.

"Green." Max stuttered out.

"Now, be a good pet and ask politely." Adam said playfully.

"Please fuck me, Sir." Max managed to say.

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