Welcome to BDSM

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In the next month, I started to get used to Diversion Mansion. The days were mostly the same, with a few exceptions; like the nights two of the boys wanted the room to themselves. Four days after I kissed Luther, we all went to a party in the cafeteria. Luther and Adam both got a little tipsy and went to bed, so I spent most of the night talking with Max. He told me stories of his little sisters, who lived in his home town in El Salvador. He misses them, of course, but they call each other all the time. Hearing him talk about something other than food or sex was quite nice.

He put down his glass and had a kind of awkward look on his face. "what's up?" I asked.

He looks down at his cocktail. "I'm getting tired, but there's a good chance Luther and Adam had sex. But I think they were both a few too many drinks in."

"What do you mean?"

"Luther is what we call a masochist, and Adam's a sadist. And neither are very vanilla. We've toned it down while you were here, but I doubt they did tonight. Just know, that everything was consensual, alright?"

I was confused to say the least. "Alright."

When we got back to the room, the first thing I heard through the door was Luther shouting "Fuck you!"

When I opened the door, Adam sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Luther, who was on his knees on the floor with his hands tied behind his back. A thick black blindfold was around his eyes. The only thing he wore was the tight black collar he's always wearing. His body was sweaty, with what looks like... candle wax? poured on his thighs. Adam put a foot on Luther's chest and kicked, knocking him fully onto his side, where he couldn't get up. Luther hissed, and Adam laughed. A guttural laugh that nearly scared me.

What. The. Fuck.

Max entered the room and said "hey" like it was no big deal. Luther sighed in relief. Adam looked over, smiled, and sat on the ground next to Luther. With zero percent of the malice he had seconds before, Adam calmly untied Luther and began peeling the wax off of him, all the while whispering things like "How are you feeling?" "You did so good." "Are you tired?"

Max walked over to the dresser, found a pair of pajama pants, and threw it in Luther's direction.

Luther put them on, wincing a little bit, then looked to Adam. Adam picked the man up and placed him on the bed, joining him shortly after. Luther was asleep in Adam's arms by the time I had processed what the hell I had seen.

Max walked up next to me, put a hand on my shoulder, and said "Welcome to BDSM. Tell us if you're interested."

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