Touch Me

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I was on the bed when the fog lifted. Luther was standing over me. "I heard. But it was Leo, right? The good one?"

I sat up and felt Adam's arm around my waist. He pulled me close. "Yeah. If it wasn't him, I'd be running. But it's still a little shocking."

"I get that. My parents, for example, never did anything wrong, but they're still from my past. I'd flip if I saw them."

I go to stand, but Adam doesn't let go. "Adam, come on!"

"Do I have to?"

I stop moving. "I guess not. We can stay here."

"Yay. Come here."

He pulls me to him and buries his face in my neck. Max puts his hands on his hips. "Okay, I'm done with the yearning and the sex dreams and the cuddling. Adam, let loose."

I am immediately pushed into my back and straddled. Adam hovers over me. Luther sighs. "Guys, I think Link has other things to worry about right now. Get off."

Adam begins to pull away. I chime in. "Luther, shut up. Adam, please continue. I do have things to worry about, and I would like those worries to go away."

Adam kisses me and it feels like our first kiss. Sparks fly. His hands wander up my shirt and I sit up so he can take it off. While sat up, Max slides in behind me. He kisses my neck and shoulders while Adam talks to Luther. "Can you join or is that against doctors orders?"

"Eh, couldn't hurt."

Adam tilts his head. "No, Luther, it can. That's literally what I'm asking you; will it hurt?"

Luther rolls his eyes and sits on the edge of the bed, staring at me. "They said 'no stress to the body.' I should probably sit out. But I'm watching."

Max nibbles and sucks on my neck. I whimper, and I feel his erection press into me. Adam straddles me and leans forward to kiss me. He kisses hungrily but kindly. Max pinches my nipples and I moan into Adam's mouth. I feel myself get harder. "Touch me."

Max grabs my hair and pulls it down, causing me to moan. Adam and Max look at each other, clearly pleased with the response. "Link. Manners." Adam orders.

"Daddy, Master, please touch me."

Max's hands roam as he kisses and sucks on my neck. Adam puts his mouth around my dick and I absolutely melt. Luther moans as he strokes himself. Adam sucks me off slowly, and I groan. "Faster, please Master."

He licks my tip and come back up to kiss me. "I would love to give you what you want, Princess, but I need to be inside of you right now."

We shuffle around, Max getting off the bed to stand by Luther and me getting on my hand and knees. Adam drops his pants and takes off his shirt. He massages my ass for a few seconds, but it's clear that he craves more. "Arch your back, love."

And then he fucks me. I turn into a moaning mess nearly immediately. It's clear none of us are lasting long. Adam moans as he thrusts in and out. Max pulls him away. "Don't get greedy, Adam."

Adam exits me and Max picks up where he left off. "I've been waiting for this, Princess. God, you're so hot."

"Thank you, Daddy. Fuck me harder, please." I beg.

He groans and pounds into me. I feel myself getting close. "I'm gonna cum."

Max exits me and I whimper. He calls over to the men watching. "Luther, you haven't been able to get your fill in a while. It's not too much stress to suck him off, is it?"

Luther looks over at Adam, who nods. He looks back at me and Max. "Nope, not at all. Thank you, Sirs."

I flip back over and Luther sucks me off to completion. He swallows hungrily. He then finishes off Adam and Max. We take turns in the shower, then spend the rest of the day together. I wear my pants and one of Max's shirts. I am back with the men of my dreams, and my only good brother is with the man of his. Life is good.

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