My Lips On His

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I did not. I did not. I did not I did not I did not IdidnotIdidnot. Holy shit I did. My lips on his. I don't know why, but I did. I fucking kissed Luther. He began to deepen the kiss when I heard the door unlock. No No NO NO nonononononono. I pulled away.

"Oh." Adam's voice.

"HEll yeah!!!!!" That was Max. 

Adam put a plate of pancakes down on a bedside table. "We can leave you two alone, if you'd like."

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I started panicking. Luther looked at me, his hands still cupping my face. Luther let me go and asked if I was okay. The words barely registered. Fuck. I let him in. Then the others will join him. They'll get in my head, under my skin. I can't let that happen. They'll betray me. They'll hurt me. Dammit, what did I do?! 


I blinked back into reality. My hands shakily left Luther's shoulders and I touched my face. Fuck, I was crying. Why was I crying? Luther was looking at me. So was Max. So was Adam. Why were they looking at me? Oh right, one of them said my name. I did my best to say "I'm fine."

I started spacing out again. I forced myself back. Luther was in front of me. No, not Luther anymore. Adam. I felt him touch my arm, then under my knees. He picked me up. I was moving. Soft. I am somewhere soft. I last thing I remember is saying, "Did I mention I have a disassociation disorder?"

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