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I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes slowly and groaned. "Come on, let me sleep."

"Link! Have you seen Luther?"

The desperation in Adam's voice caught me off guard. He seemed insanely scared. He repeated himself. "Link! Have you seen him?! Did you see him leave?!"

The grogginess faded away from my body. "What? No."

Adam moved his glasses to wipe tears off of his face. I sat up fully. The house looked like a crime scene, and Max was the one causing it. It was clear he was looking for something. I got out of the bed and walked towards him. Every file in the filing cabinet, all of the books, and any other piece of paper were scattered on the floor. "Max? What's going on?"

"I'm sorry to worry you, but I wrote something down years ago and I have to find it. I think it's the address to where Luther is."

Adam was pacing back and forth now. "Goddamn that foul woman. Max! Find it!"

"I'm fucking trying!" Max snapped back.

Okay. Luther is missing. But he told them where he would be, only he told them years ago. What is happening? I started becoming increasingly overstimulated and afraid. I loved Luther. I wanted him to be okay. I began to dissociate.


I was wandering through the halls. I had to get out of there. Adam and Max were yelling and I hate yelling. The air around me was thick and my vision was foggy.


I tried to place the voice. It was feminine. Green eyes came into view. God, what was her name again? Vienna? That sounds right.


Her breath smelled like mint. Her hands wrapped around my arms, holding me steady. She tilted her head back and howled. There was no response.


I was on a soft couch. Vienna was next to me. I was leaning against her. Her presence was soft and sweet. "Luther's missing." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked.

"I don't know. Adam and Max are freaking out. Adam is crying -which is new to me- and Max is trying to find something. I don't really know what's going on."

She thought to herself for a moment. "Let's go back to the Lavender suite. I know it's scary in there, but they need our help. We can make sure things don't get out of hand. I'll get my boys."

She got up off the couch and called someone on the phone. "Let's go, boys."

A giant tan green-eyed man and his lanky fiancé walked in after a minute, no questions asked. "I'll reintroduce," Vienna said as we walked out the door, "Paolo and Sam, Link. Link, this is Paolo and Sam."

We nodded at each other as we made our way down the hall back to the Lavender room. Vienna swung the door open. The room looked even worse than before, with things torn apart and Adam and Max screaming at each other. They screamed insults back and forth, saying things like "This is your fault!" And "You're unbelievable!"

Vienna put two fingers slightly into her mouth and whistled loudly. The Lavender men snap their heads towards her. "How long has he been gone?" She asked.

"We don't know. He was there when we fell asleep, gone when we woke up." Adam sighed.

"And you think it was Marissa?"

Max and Adam nodded sorrowfully. The name rang a bell. Oh.

Oh no.

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