Fluttering Eyelashes

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When Luther first slowly slid onto me, I groaned so hard my back arched. He looked down at me through fluttering eyelashes, and, to be honest, I was nervous. I think the others could tell because Adam moved to the side of the bed and held my hand. Luther began to move. He was so hot inside. He sped up, bouncing on my cock. It ruined me. I moaned louder and louder, which seemed to be music to everyone's ears. Luther was getting loud too, his being high pitched whimpers, mine being low groans. He grabbed onto my waist and drove his nails into my skin. He looked to Adam. "Can I?"

Adam nodded, and Luther exploded onto my stomach. As he did, his ass clenched, making him tighter. The sensation caused me to cum, too. Luther rode out his orgasm, then got off and flopped down next to me. We made eye contact and smiled. Luther then got back up and began licking me, cleaning me off.

Max slid into bed next to me, bringing my head to his chest. "You did great, princess."

"Thank you."

When Luther was done, Adam threw some of his pajama pants at me. I slid into them and continued cuddling with Max. He rubbed my back slowly, and I fell asleep to the sound of the occupants of the mansion howling.

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